Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

July 6, 2009
By Natalyn Burdette BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
Natalyn Burdette BRONZE, Oconomowoc, Wisconsin
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Mrs. Klun is no ordinary software application teacher. I actually look forward to going to her class. She is helpful in every way. Once when I had a question regarding my chart in excel, she stopped teaching to come over to my computer. She will go out of her way to help you understand and she always does it with a smile.

Mrs. Klun style of teaching is demonstrative. The class doesn’t use text books, so Mrs. Klun summarizes the text book and then demonstrates what she means on a projector so everyone can follow along. She is open to any questions throughout the demonstration and answers willingly.

Mrs. Klun is involved in other school activities besides teaching. She is in charge of our high school year book, she is the publicist. She asked the students for photos to add to the yearbook. Being involved in school functions besides teaching, I feel, makes her dedicated to our school.

When there was drama in our class between Kylee, another student, and I, Mrs. Klun took the time to sit down and listen to us to help resolve our differences. She is happy to talk to any of her students about any problems they may have inside or outside of the classroom.

She is open with her family life and her children and loves sharing stories. Because of her willingness to be open to the class, we in turn are open to her and it creates a rapport that makes the students want to do well in her class because they like her as a person. She is very frank, friendly and down to earth. She will occasionally bake cookies for the class if they have participated well and accomplished their task for the day. She also asks for opinions of the class, for example, for her daughter’s birthday she was trying to decide whether to buy or bake a cake and solicited the class’s opinion.

Overall Mrs. Klun seems like a great mother and an outstanding teacher because of her caring and understanding ways and her willingness to listen and be a part of her students’ lives.

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