Ms. Bonlender: My Favorite Teacher | Teen Ink

Ms. Bonlender: My Favorite Teacher

February 14, 2013
By chadst.martin SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
chadst.martin SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Scared, timid, nervous. These are not only my feelings on the first day of school but this is also what my new math teacher felt on her first day at Arrowhead High School. Prior to walking into class, I thought about what boring teacher I would have. With these thoughts, on my first day of sophomore year at Arrowhead High School, I walked into algebra and saw that Ms. Bonlender was nothing like the typical stereotype of a teacher. She was young, energetic, and had a warm personality. These are qualities I have never encountered in a teacher.
Ms. Bonlender was extremely welcoming, yet shy at the same time. In class, I usually don’t connect with teachers unless they put forth the effort; in this case, Ms. Bonlender took the time to do so. As we started to warm up to each other, we became more and more talkative and started to connect on a personal level. A good teacher is someone who goes out of their way to entertain her students other than strictly teaching students a lesson, and this is exactly what she did. She had made kids feel wanted by caring about their struggles and made kids want to strive throughout school.
Throughout school, I never was a fan of math because I never understood the material. That changed during my sophomore year algebra class because of the strategies Ms. Bonlender used to get the students to learn new material. Throughout class, Ms. Bonlender would have the students interact with each other in way that made students understand the material being taught. She was not there just to teach instead, she was there to inspire students and increase our knowledge in mathematics.
Scared, timid, nervous. These are not the feelings that I possess anymore after my sophomore year of high school because of the tactics Ms. Cheryl Bonlender used to help me understand mathematics. She put her welcoming heart out to the students and made them eager to learn new things not only in the department of math, but in the ways of life. These many traits that Ms. Bonlnders possesses displays how wonderful of not only a teacher, but of a friend that she is.

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