My Dear Teacher | Teen Ink

My Dear Teacher

February 21, 2013
By Bailey123 BRONZE, Cleburne, Texas
Bailey123 BRONZE, Cleburne, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

If there has ever been a teacher who has stuck out in my heart, it is Miss Abigail McCulloch. She's tall and light, outgoing and bright. For two years now she has been my ag teacher, but to me, she is like a bestfriend or sister.

Miss McCulloch introduced me, as well as many others, to my first year of ag. Her way of getting in front of the class and projecting her confidence lets me know that whatever the case may be, I'm away from all my problems. She has a certain way of speaking so soft, but in my head it's like screaming out "HELLO!" However, when she does scream, you know she means business. Some say she's the "teacher from the black lagoon," but to me, she's the perfect example of what every teacher should be like.

Every since i got into ag, Miss McCulloch has pushed me as far as I could go, and has made me realize that I am a great speaker. Never in a million years would I have known without her help. She invited me to be apart of her public relations team, as well as three other girls, and ever since then, the bond between us is unforgettable. Before every competition she tells us "Girls, I am so proud of every single one of you, and no matter what happens in that room, I love y'all." To me, this means the absolute world. How a teacher could make such a difference and impact in my life, I have no clue. All I know is that I am so thankful I ended up in room CC8A with Miss Abigail McCulloch.

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