Mrs. Seifred - Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Mrs. Seifred - Educator of the Year

April 11, 2013
By mcharno BRONZE, Hockessin, Delaware
mcharno BRONZE, Hockessin, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"I love lamp" -Brick Tamland

Out of all the teachers I had throughout my years of education, one teacher stands out for having the greatest impact on my life. This teacher was Mrs. Victoria Seifred, my eighth grade social studies teacher. Every day that I walked into her class, Mrs. Seifred was in a good mood. This put the rest of the class in a good mood, as well. She made the lessons fun by keeping the students involved. There was at least one aspect to every lesson that was interactive for the students. She was able to combine “fun” and “learning”. Unlike Mrs. Seifred, many teachers don’t combine the two and make it one or the other, instead of both.

One of the main reasons that I believe Mrs. Seifred should be “Educator of the Year” is her humor. Mrs. Seifred had the one of the best senses of humor that I’ve seen in any of my teachers. In fact, her jokes and funny stories made her class one that I looked forward to every day. One day, Mrs. Seifred told us that her grandmother would be coming in for a day, to teach the class. We all thought that was kind of odd. Why not just get a substitute teacher? But what we didn’t expect was Mrs. Seifred in a costume. We came into class the day that she said she wouldn’t be in, and it was obvious that it was just our teacher in a costume. However, no matter how many times we asked her, she said that she wasn’t Mrs. Seifred. This shows that Mrs. Seifred will go out of her way to make class fun for the students, and this is just one of the things that make her a great teacher.

In addition to helping me with my education, she also helped me with organization in other classes. In the third marking period, I was having trouble balancing lacrosse and schoolwork. Mrs. Seifred helped me with how to balance both of them, without falling behind in either. In fact, I was able to bring my grades up, as opposed to bringing them back to where they were before. Basically, Mrs. Seifred is very helpful with both schoolwork and other things. She is also very intelligent, and she knew the material and how to teach it.

Another thing that made Mrs. Seifred a great teacher was her ability to be strict when she needed to be. She didn’t take time away from teaching to reprimand the students who were acting up. She would give them a warning or two, and then take action if they acted out again. She was very tolerant, but she wasted no time in sending out those who disrupted the class. Even though she was strict, I felt that Mrs. Seifred treated everyone with respect, even when she was reprimanding someone. I felt like every student started the year with her respect, and you could lose it if you misbehaved in her class.

In conclusion, Mrs. Victoria Seifred had a great impact on my life. I hope that all of her students see her the way that I did when she taught me. I also hope that her students are positively impacted after having her as a teacher, as I was. Mrs. Seifred is an amazing teacher that makes learning and understanding the material enjoyable. I am glad that I had the opportunity to have her as a teacher.

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