EOY: Mr. Bolinski | Teen Ink

EOY: Mr. Bolinski

April 11, 2013
By maddy reda BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
maddy reda BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Math was never my cup of tea, and I would always dread going to math class. One person that I will never forget made all of that change. Not many people have the chance to say a person impacted their life but Mr. Bolinski my eighth grade math teacher is a prime example of someone that not only changed my attitude but my outlook on my schoolwork. He goes by Mr. B and he, is not only a teacher but someone I will always look up to. Because of him my work ethic completely changed and I can’t thank him enough for making my eighth grade learning experience a joy.

Mr. B is not only someone who taught his students, he’s someone that really understands his students; and tries his hardest to make learning fun. “Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sally” and “To the left, To the left” were sayings Mr. B lives by which made most of the lessons he taught us easier to understand. He made teaching look effortless and maintained a positive attitude while doing it. He wanted to make sure the environment he was teaching in was comfortable, so at the beginning of the year he made all his students write down on a note card some of our favorite things and kept them till the very end of the year. Mr. Bolinksi’s creativity and charisma made me look forward to not only going to his class but going to school in general.

Not only was Mr. B an amazing teacher, he was a pretty good basketball player. Every year my school had a pep-rally, and during the pep-rally they would hold a student/ teacher basketball game. Not only would he play in the game, but when his team was down by at least ten points, he led them to a victory with his motivation and determination. He was very involved with our basketball program and attended most of the games. Mr. B was always a great supporter and wanted all his students to do well in and out of the classroom which is why we all respected him very much.

Respect was a big part of his teaching philosophy. It was clear that Mr. B always wanted our undivided attention as any teacher would. Mr. B is the most down to earth person, and even when the class was being disrespectful, he would put up with all of the shenanigans. He had an enormous amount of respect for all of his students, and he never sugar coated anything. I will never lose respect for him.

I truly cannot explain how much Mr. Bolinski helped me through everything. He was so easy to understand and I look up to Mr. B a lot. I still visit him and all my other middle school teachers to this day, and it didn’t hit me till I left and went onto my high school years but I really do miss my middle school days. I have so many memories in his class that I will never forget wherever I go. I know it sounds strange but Mr. B really helped me find out who I am going to be. Thank you again to Mr. Bolinski for impacting my life forever.

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