Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

April 11, 2013
By Gabrielle Leuze BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
Gabrielle Leuze BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
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She was more than a teacher. She was more than a person that I would see every day, waiting for her to teach me new things, she was a role model. I looked up to her whenever I need a shoulder to lean on; she gave me the best advice. She so caring and comforting. Even thought she would be strict at times, but that’s what completed it. She was like no other teacher that I have had. Mrs. Patterson was real, understanding and just simply amazing.

Everyone loved Mrs. Patterson, not only as a teacher but as a person. Some people had a little something against her but personally, I think they were misunderstood. She spoke her mind when it was appropriate and would never lie to your face. She wasn’t one of those people who would butter up to the truth or tell you what you wanted to hear. She would tell you how it was but she would do it nicely. Mrs. Patterson was my 8th grade teacher. She made my last year at that school so memorable…it was the best I’ve ever had.

“Mrs.P” or “P-Dizzle” is what almost every child she taught would call her. She has a great sense of humor and would always try and attempt to make you laugh, especially when you were having a bad day. Mrs. Patterson would always interact with all her students. She never would pick on certain students nor have favorites or class pets, she would be equal with everyone. When she told us what to do and what not to do, she would do the same. She stuck to her word and she definitely stuck to her mind. When she put her mind to something, she would strive and get it done one way or another. The one thing I can say is that I truly do miss her, her teaching, her humor and little jokes. She has taught me a lot, not only the “required lesson” but social things as well. She would really make you think about things and when she gave you advice, it stuck with you. She wasn’t afraid to cry or vent; and frankly, none of us minded that she did that. I remember when it was the 2nd or 3rd day till the last day of school; she was reading a list she wrote about everyone. She wrote everyone’s name down (that was in her 8th grade homeroom) on a sheet of paper and next to it wrote something just about you that was different from everyone else. I can’t remember her exact words but this is she said to me… “I know for a long time now you’ve had this dark and stormy cloud over your shoulders and that things right now aren’t the best at home but trust me, things will get better. I wish you nothing but sunshine and rainbows for you and your family because that’s what you deserve.” She added a few other things but I can’t remember them. But that really touched me and I will never forget her.

I am so honored that she taught me and that I met her. I thank her for everything that she has done from giving me some help with homework to letting me vent to her when I needed too. Thank you so much Mrs. Patterson. You are the best teacher, the best friend I could have. Thank you.

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