Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

April 29, 2013
By HaydenKelly BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
HaydenKelly BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

A teacher, as described in Webster's Dictionary is, “one who instructs”. However, at the Delaware Military Academy there are quite a few teachers who do more than just instruct. They are committed to working with students. Their goal is simple, to help students succeed. It's easy to see when teachers are in the classroom just for the job or in the classroom because they love working with students.

On the first day of school I met Mr. Green, a business teacher. He caught my attention right away with his energetic and humorous personality. He encouraged me to sign up for the Business Professionals of America club, which I did. It has been a great experience. Not only did I meet other students with the same interests, but I attended the Dover competition which I really enjoyed.

It is obvious Mr Green loves what he does. He is committed to helping every student in a way that makes students want to be in his class. He will teach a lesson and doesn't stop until he is sure everyone understands it. He doesn't rush through lessons just to make sure he stays on schedule. Mr Green's goal is again, to see his students succeed.

Last week we were discussing big business competition. He used the analogy of Nike and Addidas. What high student would NOT be able to relate to sneakers? This is just one example of how Mr. Green explains things in a way that makes sense to his students. Teaching a class with 20-30 high school students I'm sure is quite a challenge. It must be difficult to control a class of teenagers. Teachers need to find creative ways to keep students involved and interested in what is being taught. Maybe if there were more teachers like Mr Green, schools would be seeing students who are more motivated to learn.

So, when asked who I felt deserved Educator of the Year, I said without a doubt, Mr. Green. Any teacher who shares his enthusiasm for teaching and motivates his students the way he does, deserves this award.

The author's comments:
This was for a class paper and I picked Mr. Green for my Educator of The Year

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