Teacher of the Year- Mrs. Averell | Teen Ink

Teacher of the Year- Mrs. Averell

April 30, 2013
By michaelakelly BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
michaelakelly BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Mrs. Averell is the freshman science teacher at Delaware Military Academy. She is also the Science Olympiad coach. My science teacher is the greatest teacher I've ever had. She is a wonderful teacher for many reasons, including working with every student in class, spending both her lunch blocks with the Science Olympiad team, and teaching all the lessons in new interesting ways. She is well liked and greatly appreciated among the freshman student body.
The first reason why I like Mrs. Averell is because she never moves to a new lesson unless everyone understands the lesson. In class she always gives us time to work on practice problems. During this time she walks around the room helping every single student get through the problem. She goes over every problem until she is sure every one gets it. She offers help to students whenever they need it. She even works with people during her lunch blocks. Every freshman can go to her if they are struggling
The second reason why Mrs. Averell is my favorite teacher is because she sacrifices her time during her lunch blocks to work with the Science Olympiad team on all of the events. If one were to need help on their event, Mrs. Averell would personally contribute all the resources she had to help him. She keeps many materials in her classroom for our projects. She helps us find everything we need so that our event can flow smoothly. She is the reason that Delaware Military Academy placed 7th in the state for Science Olympiad. Mrs. Averell managed to maintain over thirty events. The entire team is very thankful she was there to help.
The last reason why I like Mrs. Averell is because she teaches all the lessons in ways that make it fun but educational at the same time. She never gives lectures over twenty minutes because she knows we'll get bored and not pay attention. After twenty minutes of talking she lets us team up with our lab partners and perform experiments. She lets us talk and have fun but we are still learning. Mrs. Averell teaches the lesson in many different ways because she knows there are different types of learners. She shows videos for visual learners, she lectures for auditory learners, and she has us do experiments for kinesthetic learners. She does all three and makes them all fun!
Mrs. Averell by far deserves to be nominated for this competition because she is the best teacher I have ever had. She deserves this because of all the heartfelt things and time she gives to her students. She works extremely hard and deserves this nomination. Everything she has taught me has and will benefit me for the rest of my life.

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