Inside Sims World | Teen Ink

Inside Sims World

October 25, 2013
By Adrienne Pouncey BRONZE, Honoraville, Alabama
Adrienne Pouncey BRONZE, Honoraville, Alabama
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Rebecca Sims is the best teacher I know. She is a high school English teacher at Highland Home School. She teaches the 12th, 11th, and some 10th graders. She has a remediation class for the students who have not passed the English or Reading part of the grad exam. She also has an ACT class to help students prepare for taking the ACT. Ms. Sims is also known as "Sims".
In Sims class she has many different ways of teaching. One type of style is lecture, she lectures us about what is going on during a story so we know more about the time period or century the story takes place in. The second type is detailed teaching. Detail teaching is where she will go deep into detail about what we are doing at that point in time. The third type is comprehensive teaching. Comprehensive teaching is when she breaks the story or novel down to our understanding. She never gives us work to do on our own.
Sims is involved in a lot of school activities at Higland Home. She keeps an eye open for any scholarships us seniors could fill out for college. She is the leader over many organizations including Future Teachers of America and English Honor Society. She also plans a trip for both of these organizations. After school Sims could go home but she chooses to teach after school kids. After school is where she teachers younger students and makes sure they have all their homework done before they go home.
During school Sims always is doing something. Even though she may seem busy she still has time to help students if they come to her for help. She is willing to give up her time to help you understand the work she has given you. She spends hours grading papers for her classes and putting grades in the computer. If you are not doing good in class she will try her best to give you the extra work you need to do better.
Sometimes it may seem like she hates her job but she doesn't. She just gets flustrated about having to much to do at one time. She has been teaching at Highland Home since 2002. To some people it may seem like a hard job but to her it is a piece if cake. Over the years she has become like a mother figure to all seniors. She puts so much effort in to helping us graduate and gettinus prepared for college and the real world. Sims will always be the best teacher ever.

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