Mrs. Blum For Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Mrs. Blum For Educator of the Year

March 30, 2014
By mtd14 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
mtd14 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I would like to nominate my 8th grade English teacher Mrs. Blum for Educator of the year. I think that she was the best English teacher I ever had. She is a caring teacher, she was very kind and an all-around excellent educator. Mrs. Blum deserves to be nominated for Teen Ink’s Educator of the Year Award for all these reasons and many more.

I believe Mrs. Blum should be nominated because of how much I learned in her class. The way she taught her classes was different than any other teacher I’ve ever had. She always found a way to make her lessons entertaining and fun. Her classes were never boring. Instead of just giving us work to do, she got us involved during class so we didn’t feel like she was just trying to keep us busy. This made me look forward to her class. Knowing that I wasn’t going to be bored out of my mind helped me pay better attention and learn more too!

My next reason that Mrs. Blum should be Educator of the Year is that she would really take her time to make sure everyone knew what was going on in the books we read. We would have long interesting class discussions about what we read. Discussing the book with in class helped us understand the books better, and it made us we want to read more.
Finally, I believe Mrs. Blum should be Educator of the Year is because of how caring she was with all her students. She would do anything she could to help us to succeed with whatever we did. She wouldn’t continue the lesson unless everyone was on the same page with what she was teaching. She didn’t just assign work like vocabulary; we actually did activities in class with the words, so by the time we had a quiz, we really understood the words. I still remember and use many of those words. She always explained things in a couple of different ways especially if we didn’t seem to understand the first time. She was always very kind and helpful. If I needed a little extra help to understand how to do something she was always there with a smile to help.

Mrs. Blum is one of the best teachers I have ever had! She is always willing to help her students in a way they learn best. She’s very understanding and caring. She always takes the extra time to make sure all her students are involved in and understanding her lessons. Mrs. Blum makes her students feel comfortable so that they can be successful and happy in her class. For all these reasons I believe she should be Educator of the Year.

The author's comments:
I hope that more teacher will teach this way!

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