EOY Essay | Teen Ink

EOY Essay

April 1, 2014
By Justin Brams BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
Justin Brams BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Educator of the Year Nomination
Mr. Robert Lingenfelter

My educator of the Year essay is about my 8th grade Social Studies teacher Mr.L. He works at Skyline Middle School and is a very great teacher. There are many reasons why I am nominating him for educator of the year and here are just a few reasons.

Mr.L was the best teacher I have ever had all throughout my school years. He always knew what I was thinking, and he always knew how to answer it. Mostly, all of the kids in our school like him just because he was a great person. I think that he deserves the EOY award greatly.

He was also a very funny and creative person. His classroom was covered in paintings, drawings, and souvenirs. He would never make class time boring because he always had a joke or two up his sleeve. Another reason why I like him is because he liked baseball just as much as I did. The whole baseball team would try to get him to coach because we liked him that much. He would always encourage us to do our best and get to the top of the mountain.

Lastly, he set up a field trip for the 8th graders so that we could go to Washington D.C. it was a great time and we stayed there all day. We visited almost everything there and showed us the buildings and monuments he taught us about. His class was very easy too. It was the first time I had gotten A’s all four marking periods! I will never forget that milestone I had achieved.

In conclusion, I think he is one of the best teachers out there and should win the EOY award. He is the greatest Social Studies teacher I had ever had and I am glad to be apart of his class. There is no teacher that I think deserves this award more than him. I just want to thank him for making my 8th grade year as good as it could be.

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