Coach of the year | Teen Ink

Coach of the year

January 30, 2015
By Buckeyes8 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
Buckeyes8 BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

My sophomore year in high school I was new to the school and I knew about a handful of people. On the first day of school my friend ask to see my schedule and I say sure. Then he notices who my world history teacher which was Mr. Lee and he says dude that class is going to suck and I’m just like why? He’s really strict and you can tell it’s him because he guards the double doors leading to the freshman academy. I’m just like in my head like he can’t be that bad plus teachers love me. So I go to his class and see that he’s not what people even say. Basically he is a man of honor and discipline who feels that we should follow the rules that are set.
Unfortunately I didn’t have him as a teacher but I did have him as a coach and I still do. Having him as a coach has helped me overall in life because brings in life lessons with volleyball to teach us to be successful adults by the time we leave high school. At first when I heard he was the coach they would tell stories that he would yell excessively and would be really tough. As a coach he is energetic, inspiring, and highly skilled. He brings us together not as a team but as a family. When one of us gets in trouble we all do. Before we start practice I remembered he would ask if anybody was late, got sent out, or got in any type of trouble he would tell us to speak out and drop to the floor. They would be punished with push up and even if we didn’t do anything wrong some of us would drop down to because of the fact we’re all brothers. When on the court for a game or practice he always wants us to improve and he has faith in us and believe we can achieve any task if we put forth the effort. Even if we slip or mess up in a play he always has a pep talk or encourages us to make the next play better.
I can never forget the game when St. Marks beat us and dropped us down to the fourth seed. That game was really devastating to every one of us and when we huddled up it was dead silent no one said a word. Then coach came and spoke and as he was speaking he was really calm not yelling or talking about our flaws… he just gave us a synopsis of how we could obtain that third seed again. Even though the situation was harder he was one hundred percent by our backs. When we played sallies one game I had to start as a setter for one set. I was nervous not only because I haven’t played that position in so long but because our opponent was really good and I didn’t want to let the team down. When we have our pre-game talks, warms, and even on our way there he had complete faith in me. He believed I could get the job done trying my hardest. That meant something because he could’ve chose anybody else but he chose me.
Currently I aide for Mr. Lee and I wish I could’ve had his class because he’s so dedicated and passionate it’s contagious. He has you engaged in his lessons wanting to learn more. This year he wanted to incorporate preseason conditioning and since he first day I’ve been more and more committed to push myself and do better. I just want to try harder because he sets a standard and I want to do my best to be up there. He makes it practically impossible for you not to try your hardest.
Ever since I met Mr. Lee he has taught me so much and because of him I’ve become more mature, serious and to handle my responsibilities. I don’t think I’ve ever been so determined to excel in everything in my life especially in volleyball. He has made an enormous impact in my life and I can’t wait for this season and the next. I can’t wait to step on the court knowing you’re my coach. He is a part of my family. I’m always going to remember Mr. Lee even after graduation.


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