Suspend me I dont really care. | Teen Ink

Suspend me I dont really care.

January 30, 2015
By Anonymous

Suspend me I don’t care. I really don’t like it here anyway but do your job that’s why you get paid. I always had people say they care but most didn’t, until I met you. When I was in your office it was a warm cozy feeling when you suspended me I felt like you didn’t want to but you had too. I have never lied to you always kept it 100% always have always will.
I was supposed to write about someone who should be nominated for a teacher’s award or something but I really do think you deserve this award. I’ve known Mrs. Campbell for two years she has always been there for many students and I don’t think anyone in the years she has worked have thanked her for service and her keeping 100%. Students would rather see Mrs. Campbell leave, and no that they have gotten away with skipping class or smoking newps in the bathroom. She will always try to make Dickinson the best place to be.
Every time I got in trouble I was sent to Mrs. Campbell office my teachers would call her and she would come and we would talk about what happen. She has never once in the two years I’ve been here told me I was a screw up or anything else negative, some people think that teacher and staff want to just talk but Mrs. Campbell was always honest and kept it real with you no matter what. I can remember many times I was in Mrs. Campbell office and she would talk and I wouldn’t be mad or frustrated.
I really don’t care if Mrs. Campbell does not win but as long as she knows that her kindness will not go unnoticed.  I really appreciate everything she has done and everything she will do for me when I’m in trouble next time, or until I’m suspended again.

The author's comments:

I have Known Mrs. Campbell for two yerars and she has done alot for me and who knows how many others she has helped.

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