Educator of the year | Teen Ink

Educator of the year

March 16, 2015
By Cassandra.K. GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
Cassandra.K. GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
10 articles 0 photos 0 comments

   When it comes to English classes, people expect to learn about grammar, reading, and speech-giving. This was always my idea of an English class--that was, until I found myself in back left corner of Mr. Feuerstahler’s English 11 classroom.
It wasn’t even five minutes after the bell had rung on day one of the semester and I was positive I came to the wrong classroom.
   “Good morning” rolled off the tip of his tongue as he flashed a subtle smirk.
   I saw him prior around school or coaching football, but I never guessed he taught English.
   The first of countless motivational speeches he would give started out with him laying down his expectations. “Get your work done”... I’ve heard that one before. “When you do things, do them well”... Already knew that. “You’ve got the carry the fire”... Now that was something new.
   I didn’t understand what he meant, but he proceeded to explain--and then everything made sense. The fire was a metaphor for a deep passion. And to carry the fire, is to carry passion for what you do. If you carry the fire, you can pass the flame on to others. With a world full of fire carriers, no one is aimless and people are fueled with what they love to do.
His fire was teaching. And he demonstrated what it’s like to carry a bright flame.
   Mr. Feuerstahler never forced his students to do anything. He never made us do our homework, he never made us read the books, and he never made us participate in class. But his way of teaching worked. His reasoning was that he couldn’t force us to do something with our lives. We have to want to do that on our own. And when you think about life as your own responsibility, there is little to no missing assignments.
   You see, Mr.F had no idea what he was saying impacted me more than just inside the classroom. While going through one of the toughest times in my life, I was losing hope. But his words stuck in my head. I have to carry the fire became a phrase that rushed through my head daily. I had to find my passion. I had to change my life around. And I had to make a difference.
   English 11 to me was not just a class about learning the basics of grammar. Instead, English 11 became a class that taught me about life and how it’s meant to be lived.
   Thanks, Mr. Feuerstahler, for not only teaching me the ins and outs of essay writing, but also for igniting a fire in me. My aspiration in life is to impact as many people as Mr. F does by lighting a flame that they can carry. And that is why Mr. F has been the best educator I have ever had. 

The author's comments:

The person that taught me how to carry fire. 

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