Mr. Daneric Johnson | Teen Ink

Mr. Daneric Johnson

April 24, 2015
By NicAuguste BRONZE, Houston, Texas
NicAuguste BRONZE, Houston, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Mr. Daneric Johnson is a nominee for my best teacher as of this year. He is an english teacher and head journalist for the journalism club at MacArthur 9th grade (Houston). The reason I’ve decided to choose Mr. Johnson as my nominee is because other than teaching students in journalism to just write, he also helps others with some life lessons. He’s helped me come up with some great decisions for my sacre and has helped the whole journalism club with creating a bigger, brighter future for us children. Mr. Johnson has helped students find the best ways to sign up for a scholarship, and helps the student understand the concept of what these scholarships will do for a certain individual in the future.

Mr. Johnson doesn’t only help students around school. He also provides entertainment for the community. For example, he assigned certain positions in his journalism club and helped students understand how working together can make something out of nothing. He led the way of the “ Little Mac, Big News” newspaper, and sold them around our Aldine community.

Not only is Mr. Johnson an amazing teacher, he has made himself an amazing person with a thoughtful personality. Being the person he is, Mr. Johnson’s big heart will lead his students to be successful, and that is why he is THE BEST TEACHER!

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