Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

October 6, 2015
By Laurengm GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Laurengm GOLD, Pewaukee, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I have been dancing since I was three years old. Although I have a passion for dance, I lack confidence. But I am lucky enough to have someone who cares about me and is determined to help me gain confidence. She helped me improve through dance while also helping me learn valuable life lessons. My dance teacher at Accent on Dance studios, Katie Carollo, is one of the most dedicated, hard-working, and inspiring teachers I’ve had.

I have had Katie as my dance teacher for over five years. By having her for such a long period of time, I’ve been able to get to know her as more than just my teacher. The way she connects with everyone shows how much she cares. She is able to connect with others in a way that reminds me I have someone who will comfort me when I’m feeling upset.

Katie always goes out of the way to help other people. Before I had to perform my first solo, I was filled with nerves. I mean, the thought of going on stage by myself (where all the attention was on me) was terrifying! I didn’t know how I was going to be able to go on stage.

Luckily, Katie saw my nerves and decided to stay by me the whole time. This support calmed me down enough to perform my first solo. “I’m so proud of you,” she repeated throughout the day.

By having someone who cares so much about my success, I was able to go on stage -- even with some confidence -- and feel proud of myself too.

Another great quality Katie has is her hard work ethic. Every class she teaches at our studio is important to her. She makes sure each group has everything they need in order to be successful. With over 10 dance groups that she choreographs for, I can’t imagine how much time each group would take. She is like a busy beaver who never stops working.

Katie is such an inspiring person. The way she uses her time to help others shows how dedicated she is to the studio and to her students. What I find special is how no matter how much time, or how much work it will take, she doesn’t mind because she cares about our well being and our success.

Because of Katie Carollo’s abundance of support and dedication to me, I have been able to gain confidence and feel better about myself. She has helped me not only to be a better dancer, but a better person as well.

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