Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

October 6, 2015
By brewfan245 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
brewfan245 BRONZE, Hartland, Wisconsin
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

All my life I have lived in southeast WI. Luckily during my 18 years on Earth I had the privilege of meeting Mr. Budish. Mr. Budish is the middle school principal at Merton Primary School. He is an influential educator, and I looked up to him as a role model and so did my two other brothers who attended Merton.

No matter where Im from, how I act, what I look like, Mr. Budish is the man to lend a hand and to help if I'm in need. I remember when my parents went through a divorce. It was hard for my family and especially my brothers and me. Mr. Budish was comforting and he was like another parent for my brothers and me in this horrific time of need.

Recess was always fun at Merton. My friends and I would line up in a group of 20 at the end of the field. Mr. B had a rocket arm and could throw the football as far as the eye could see.  He was like an older Aaron Rodgers, but still in his prime.  It was always a fun time with him, and he made a deep impact on my middle school years, and teachings i can take with me further into my life.

He is also dedicated to WI sports teams. He knew everything about the Badgers. Everyday he’d come to school with some sort of Badger gear hidden or in plain sight of his wardrobe. He was a gifted and welcoming educator. He cared more about the kids in his profession than anything else. He went to school with a smile on his face and not a worry in the world. He stood at the cross walk everyday after school to lead the kids across the street safely. He was fun to talk to and was never boring.

Even as I'm getting older in life I still see Mr. Budish. He lives down the street from me and I know if I ever need help with anything he will still be there for guidance.

Mr. Budish loves his school and the students are his life. He cares about each kid and tries to get to know them on a personal level. He will continue to set an example, and in turn shape and mold the young minds for generations to come.

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