Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

March 28, 2016
By reallyary BRONZE, Houston,, Texas
reallyary BRONZE, Houston,, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Educator of the Year

The educator of the year should be Mr. Johnson . The educator of the year possess many
characteristics.  They are a role model to society. They inspire many students that are finding
themselves. They do more than just teach. This teacher of often times does more than educate
her students, they help other students. They distinguish themselves from the bunch. They try to
comprehend the student. This often helps when trying to accommodate the student’s learning
environment. Mr. Johnson often times tries acting like his students , so he will catch their
attention.  He is always energetic and always finds ways to push his students to do their best. He
is always available to his students. As his journalism student, I see a different perspective of him.
I see his business side more times than not.  I see the more mature student atmosphere. The
class is designed for seniors. Sometimes as a freshman this is a challenge. This challenge is
for the students to realize the business world and teaches us the way how life is. He makes the
classroom environment to where everyone is comfortable with each other. In that way everyone
is more free to ask questions or bring up ideas.
      In conclusion, Mr.Johnson has been publicly acknowledged as teacher of the year at the
public school he teaches at. They recognized him. The teen ink magazine should too.

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