Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

April 21, 2016
By samfreeland BRONZE, Bear, Delaware
samfreeland BRONZE, Bear, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Anyone could be an educator, but some teachers have a big influence on students today just from the way they interact with them. Have you ever had a favorite teacher? My favorite teacher was Mrs. Gugerty. She was my middle school math, English, and homeroom teacher all in one.

Mrs. Gugerty is one of my favorite teachers because she is caring and helpful. She explains concepts that you don’t understand in a fun easy way and makes sure to answer every question her students ask. She makes sure everyone is in a positive position to move on with whatever lesson she was teaching. If you were ever struggling in a subject or even in life outside of school she would make time either in her lunch or after school to talk to you and any concerns you have.

She has a sense of humor to her, in the way she talks and in the way she interacts with her students. Also, she would be so compassionate and caring when you needed someone to be there for you. Mrs. Gugerty was the teacher I went to with all my problems and she basically got me through them by making me laugh and smile and encouraging me to think positive. She knows that everyone has different perspectives on things and she takes the time to listen and talk to you about them all.

Mrs. Gugerty is a very caring person. She cares for every student individually and listens to them no matter what the cause. She knows when something is wrong. She is very helpful to everyone and can tell when you are struggling. She has a couple kids and understands kids our age which makes it so much better to talk to her. Mrs. Gugerty is all around a great person.


In the past 9 years that I have been going to school, Mrs. Gugerty is my favorite teacher just how she teaches and interacts with her students. Every student should have a favorite teacher or someone they look at as a role model in their school. Everyday you can learn new things about your teachers that you’ve never known !

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