A Teacher Worth Remembering | Teen Ink

A Teacher Worth Remembering

April 18, 2016
By kyle_hoeppner SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
kyle_hoeppner SILVER, Hartland, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

High School has its struggles, and I surely ain’t a big fan of it. Now nearing the end of my junior year, I like to look back at the earlier years, especially the fun times I had in middle school. A huge part of what made middle school a blast was having great teachers—one of which really stood out to me. This one teacher was Mr. Crowe, my 8th grade English teacher.
I walked into Mr. Crowe’s class thinking this was going to be another excruciating year in English. But taking my first step into his classroom, I could tell something was different. This was his first year teaching at North Shore Middle School, but his energy, enthusiasm, and effective class environment came natural to him.
Everyday, Mr. Crowe would have the happiest smile on his face, which would stretch his signature horseshoe mustache. Not only was he great at teaching us in English class, but he also had a hip look and funny personality that made his class even more enjoyable. I like to think of him as Hulk Hogan minus the long hair, bandana, and maybe the muscles.
Having a teacher is one thing, but having a friend is another. And that is what Mr. Crowe was like—a friend. Not only did Mr. Crowe have a relatable character, but he also had a hip way of teaching. Mr. Crowe was, and still is, a big fan of music and lyrical ballads. One of my favorite activities of his was digging deeper into some rap songs, specifically 2Pac and the song, Changes.  Mr. Crowe was distinct with showing us not only stylistic devices, but also culture through music and literature. I learned that we, as a community, nation, and world, need to set our differences aside and hold close what it truly means to love one another—and it is the power of words which can touch our hearts and make peace a reality.
Literature was also a big part of his focus. Mr. Crowe is the one who made me discover a passion for reading through expression. The unique qualities about Mr. Crowe’s class were that no matter what it was—either of a book or another topic—we could always give our honest opinion. It was Mr. Crowe’s interest in helping us finding how we truly feel about an issue that made him stand out.
I will be a senior next year, marking five years since I first sat in his class. Mr. Crowe was one of those teachers that you will always remember—always think about with a happy smile, just like his always did.

The author's comments:

Mr. Crowe is a phenomenal teacher.

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