Educator: Travis Riviera | Teen Ink

Educator: Travis Riviera

April 18, 2016
By PonyTailGuy GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
PonyTailGuy GOLD, Hartland, Wisconsin
16 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Educator: Travis Riviera (Coach)

“DON’T LET YOUR GUARD DOWN!” - Travis Riviera; as I dove away from an oncoming punch to the chest.
From my first jab, to my first round-house, and learning the importance of blocking, I never thought how Thai Boxing would become a huge component of my life and who I am.
From when I first joined back in the fifth grade to now--a seventeen year old junior of Arrowhead High School -- I have come to realize it was not the punches, kicks, or blocks that kept me going, but instead, the teachings of a determined tutor who sought for me to learn and succeed.
Travis Riviera is different from ordinary classroom teachers as he is a coach for the Lake Country Wisconsin Crossfit Gym. On our first encounter, I saw him as a physically built: 5’ 10”, crew-cut hairstyle jock emphasizing the importance of staying in shape and eating healthy -- sounds like your average coach of a gym establishment, right? Well that’s about a tenth of the information that I could interpret from him.
Once I began going to his gym daily for Thai Boxing lessons, I saw him for who he truly was. From his enthusiastic attitude and energetic personality, I remembered how excited he was EVERY class to teach us a new technique or combo. He always had a grin on his face as he was shouting, “HEY, GUYS! I’ve got a new move-set for us to work on today!” This was something I always looked forward to when class began.
He taught me and many other students  how to perform grapples, takedowns, counters, blocks, and so much more that soon developed into our fighting skills. While we didn’t receive belts or compete in fighting tournaments, we rather trained for physical growth and improving our reflexes. This allowed me to focus on what combos or defensive posture I needed to improve upon rather than stressing about an upcoming tournament or trying to reach a belt based on ranking.
I remembered when he taught me something new, and he would ensure I’d perform this new technique to the best of my ability. When I struggled with connecting my Ax kick with the motion of the punching pads, he would take extra time for me after class to improve my technique. Starting slowly and then increasing my speed with each strike, we would progress through the move until I had it. He even would give advice and tips on how to perform the technique properly and flow through the movements without thinking but just reacting.
His class motto was “Never think about a punch or kick, but just react to the flow of the movement.” I thought of that motto for every new technique I learned. This motto even came into my daily life whenever a struggling obstacle came before me. I learned to not overthink my problems and find the nearest solution, but to rather react to this issue and isolate it until I could find the best possible solution. 
Travis Riviera was not only a dedicated coach but also a compassionate friend. As days turned to weeks, then months, and even years, I saw the bond between us grow into an everlasting friendship. I gained the ability to talk to Travis about my personal life (a new crush at school, the latest video game that came out that week, or even rant about how my older sister was terrorizing me in new ways). Not only was Travis able to learn more about me, but I was able to learn about his lifestyle as well. I realized how much of a loving father he was to his three children, how he traveled to Thailand to receive his boxing training, and even learn of his daily struggles as he underwent the tragic process of a divorce. However, through all of his struggles, it never deterred him from his duty as a coach and as a caring friend. Whatever it was that I discussed with Travis, he would always give 100% attention to my personal struggles and counsel me to find solutions and search for positives in these dire situations. His example inspired me to do the same for others as well. I soon saw myself counseling and catering to my family or friends during their struggles and providing them with my full undivided attention. I gave advice and provided feedback on what they could do to improve their situation.
I describe Travis like the wise master of the “Karate Kid” movies -- minus the old age. He has taught me the skills necessary to defend myself in a dangerous situation, never seeking violence or injuring another individual. But he has also taught me moral qualities that I can use in my own life. Travis has trained me to become a more confident individual with my peers and to aid others who continue to struggle with their own personal demons. Boxing has not only improved my physical reflexes, but has also impacted my personality and what defines my character. For every punch, kick, grapple, or block I perform, I had not just an educator by my side, but a loyal friend who sought me for learn and succeed. And I thank you for this gift Travis Riviera...

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