Ms. Rahmani | Teen Ink

Ms. Rahmani

December 22, 2016
By Alexis.wenner BRONZE, Middletown, Delaware
Alexis.wenner BRONZE, Middletown, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Did you ever have that one person in your school experience who you automatically connect with? Well, I do and her name is Ms. Rahmani; she was my 8th grade science teacher from Gunning Bedford Middle School. She and I had some amazing times in 8th grade, and when I had to leave for high school, I was devastated that I was going to leave her I tried to stay in touch, but that didn't work. I would say that she is the best teacher, and people could agree. Some could also disagree, but she will always be my favorite. She would also get  involved in wanting to listen to what I had done in my soccer games.

Ms.Rahmani is always helpful and is also very dependable; she will always be there for you when you need her. She will always help you and adapt to how you learn so that it could be easier for you. I am a visual learner, and she would always show me how to do something instead of just letting me read something on a piece of paper. I would also feel comfortable going to talk to her if I needed any help. You can always count on Ms. Rahmani if you need any type of assistance.

Personally, Ms. Rahmani was one of my idols. She always did the right thing and always helped people. She was so kind to others and forever had a bright smile on her face that could brighten anyone's day even if they were in the worst of moods. She also had a very good sense of humor and could make you laugh. Ms. Rahmani could be lenient, but when it came down to business, she did not joke around; she was strict about due dates and getting your classwork completed.

She would always push you to be the best person you could be. When it came to classwork, she pushed you to do your very best on the assignments she had given us to compete that day in class. She encouraged me to do my best, and that's why I had a pretty good grade in her class. She pushed me for the A that I knew I could receive. She also inspired me to do great things in school and even outside my classroom and to go help others.

There are a lot of wonderful things about Ms. Rahmani like how she helps you, and how she pushes you past your breaking point inside and outside the classroom. She is a great,wonderful,and inspiring teacher who helps you accomplish great things. Ms. Rahmani is and will always be my favorite teacher because she inspired me. This is why she is my favorite educator, and I think as more people go into her class the more come out loving her. She’s my nomination for educator of the year.

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