Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year

December 21, 2016
By MikePala BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
MikePala BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
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It was my first year in middle school. I was scared and nervous and I had no idea what was there to come. I went to my first block, but it really didn't seem to help. Then, my second block came and my teacher was Ms. Thomassen. Right when I met her my nervous level went from a ten to a zero.
  To get started, Ms. Thomassen was so caring and she helped me succeed every step of the way. Even through tough times and assignments, she always went the extra mile just to help me do well. Her and I were so close, it's as if we were related. Another way she helped me was through dicipline. She may have been nice and fun, but sometimes, she could be very hard which I don't mind at all because she still wanted the best for everybody and that's what makes her a great teacher.
Ms. Thomassen may have been just a nice math teacher, but to me, she was a leader. Even though kids talked back to her and said things behind her back, she still managed to ignore them and continue to help them as if nothing even happened. She would always stay after school to help and would stay with you until you knew everything by heart. She was always fun, she would always have a funny video to show us before class. Even though she is sometimes hard and disiplined, she would always have a little fun inside of her.
There was no other class I was more excited to be in other than her class. She made math fun and educational at the same time. Especially the first day of school. Right when class started, she introduced herself and tried her best to make her classroom feel like home. Her one promise always was and still is, "do what you can do and try hard, and I will help you finish." That sentence inspired me to try incredibly harder in her class because if I just wanted to give up, she would always help me finish.
Today, Ms. Thomassen is probably still doing what she did for me, help me succeed. I will always remember her and what she did for me and I will always try to remember her tips she gave me along the way to get me where I am today. I may have had a lot of teachers so far, but Ms. Thomassen will always be my favorite and most outgoing teacher. For these reasons, this is why I nominated Ms. Thomassen.

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