Educator of the Year Essay | Teen Ink

Educator of the Year Essay

December 21, 2016
By nickragan BRONZE, Hockessin, Delaware
nickragan BRONZE, Hockessin, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

                                                                          C/SA Ragan,Nick

  It is three- o’clock and most teachers are headed home to their own children, but not Mrs. Pisani. She agreed to help me with my math. This is one of the reasons why I would like to nominate Mrs. Pisani for the Educator of the Year Award. I have known her for three months. She teaches at DMA. When I thought about who was the most qualified for this award, I instantly thought Mrs. Pisani.

Never did I ever think that I would like Algebra 1 as much as I do now. Mrs. Pisani elevated my understanding of math. Mrs. Pisani goes over lessons in a relaxed yet challenging environment. She gives us examples of problems and sometimes lets us act them out in class. She has also helped me to realize something, that math can be fun. In previous years, I never thought math could be as interesting as it is to me now. Unlike some of my previous math teachers, Mrs. Pisani makes learning a great time. This subject used to be my least favorite class, until now.

I’ve also noticed the things that Mrs. Pisani does for others. After I missed a day of school and had to make up a test, I realized something that I should do in the future if I need help. Mrs. Pisani was helping a cadet who needed help with his math course. She helped him to understand the concept of the lesson by going over specific rules and went over how to solve the problem the correct way. I thought this was a very kind act. After open house, my Mom told me that Mrs. Pisani specifically came up to her to say I was doing well in class. Mrs. Pisani didn’t have to do this, but it meant a lot to me.

During class, Mrs. Pisani has a very special way of teaching. She helps others if it is needed. You can just ask for help, and Mrs. Pisani will instantly go over an example of a problem to help the cadet to get a firm grip on the type of problem. Mrs. Pisani never is rude to her students, nor will she say rude things to others.

These are just some of the reasons why I believe Mrs. Pisani deserves this award. There are many more things I could say, I wish I was allowed to write them all. You can always count on Mrs. Pisani to work her hardest to make your life better any way possible. She is a positive influence on me and many others.

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