Ms. Furilla | Teen Ink

Ms. Furilla

January 2, 2017
By Alisonbabks BRONZE, Wilimington, Delaware
Alisonbabks BRONZE, Wilimington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As I walked into the gym for 6th grade volleyball tryouts my fears left me when I found out who was coaching the team. I had never met Ms. Furilla but I had heard good things about her. I was told she was very loud, energetic, and very sarcastic, I was also told that she would make being on the team a lot of fun. Once I made the team I found all of this to be true.

“Ali move your feet”, Ms. Furilla yelled from the side lines. This was a phrase of many that was always booming throughout the gym. Not only was she loud in the gym but also in my 7th grade English classroom at skyline middle school, and I loved her for it. Ms. Furilla was always there to help me either when I was on the court or in the classroom. She was always so hyper and whenever I needed a little push to be better she was there to do it. Ms. Furilla was the one to push me to do my best, she is a big reason as to why I love the game of volleyball today.

If there was an award for the most sarcastic teacher, Ms. Furilla would win. She was always one to put a smile on my face with her sarcastic tones and phrases. During volleyball because of my position she would always ask “are you on the toilet or something “, and I would always laugh and then fix it. You could always tell if Ms. Furilla was happy, mad, sad, confused, or she didn’t agree with something just by her facial expressions. She always made the craziest faces whenever she was coaching. Her most famous one was the eye roll; which happened when a ball dropped. The one that I loved the most was the smile she gave and you knew that you did something right.

“What’s wrong Ali you’re not smiling”, Ms. Furilla would ask. She could always tell when something was bothering me, and she would do anything just to make sure I was ok. Ms. Furilla always cared about her students and her players. If I needed help on an assignment, I would stay with her for lunch, If I needed help on the volleyball court she would be there with helpful coaching tips. When I needed to talk to someone she was always there to listen, and give advice if necessary. I really appreciate her being there for me when I needed her the most.

Ms. Furilla has been a true inspiration to me both on the court and in the classroom. She has not only helped me with her words of wisdom, but also helping me stay positive and to always have heart in everything I do. That’s why in my eyes she is an amazing teacher and coach.  I hope one day I can have as much heart as she does as a person. This is why she is my nomination for teacher of the year!



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