Conor Maguire Educator of the Year | Teen Ink

Conor Maguire Educator of the Year

January 2, 2017
By conorjmaguire BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
conorjmaguire BRONZE, Newark, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

For seven years she was a great principal who helped the school, and cared for others. Mrs. Snively, my 2nd grade until 8th grade, principal was helpful in all ways. She was very smart and a fun person. She dealt with problems within the school. She also was involved with out of school activities. Mrs.. Snively is a great educator, that’s why i   would nominate her for Educator of the year.
Nothing wasn’t important to Mrs. Snively. Any problems with anything she cared about it. She is a very smart person and did only good things for people and my school. She is a very fun person and principal as well she arranged fun school days fun activities for high and low grades and never let the school get too boring. One of the most fun thing Mrs. Snively continues to do every year is an eighth grade versus teachers volleyball game in which she participates in every year. Mrs. Snively is a great principal to do things for the school but she also is a great listener. When students wanted to be involved with helping she always listened and sometimes let them do what they had in mind.
Mrs. Snively not only was a great principal for my school,  but she helped improve the school in many ways. She is a very nice, and caring principal. So when anything was wrong with a student, teacher, or the school, she intended to fix it. She cared for all students in all grades no matter who they were. Mrs. Snively was a listening and sympathetic person as an educator and she wasn’t the mean principal everyone thinks all principals are.
Holy Angels has won the CYM football championship 10 years in a row. Every year Mrs. Snively has come out and watched the game start to finish. Sometimes when possible, she would be involved with classes not grading the teacher just to be involved with the students. Mrs. Snively is a nice principal and person in and out of school. She would say hi to every student in the halls, and she never avoided seeing a student outside of school.If she saw a student anywhere she would greet them as the nice person she is. Improvement to the school goes without say she did great changes such as computer and technology upgrades for students.
Mrs. Snively has most of all been an inspiration for me and others as an Educator, principal, and person. Nominating her as the Educator of the Year is an easy thing for me to do because of what type of person she was to me and still is today.Having Mrs. Snively as a principal for seven years has made me very successful today.

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