EOY | Teen Ink


June 5, 2018
By ej-dejesus BRONZE, New Castle, Delaware
ej-dejesus BRONZE, New Castle, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

 Ironically Mr. Michael Torres never went to college for teaching, but he teaches more than he might notice himself. Actually, come to think of it, he really isn't a traditional teacher. He is someone who teaches more than school material at Las Americas Aspira Academy. Mr. Torres taught me the proper habits of the man I want to be. Me and Mr. Torres quickly grew a bond which led to the mentorship that we still have till this day. Me and Mr. Torres grew up in similar situations which is the reason we grew such a strong bond in such a short period of time. Many can't talk or compare to Mr. Torres the way I can, but he has made an impact on my life that most won't understand.


Mr. Torres and I relate in many different ways but one way we relate is through our love for sports (specifically baseball). Mr. Torres was an athlete his whole life, so he takes pride in what he accomplished and all the knowledge he gained along the way. Mr. Torres is someone I know I can always count on helping me make any major decision, whether it is life changing like where I should go to highschool or even something not as serious like where I should celebrate my birthday. Mr. Torres is someone I know is someone I can depend on because it's not all about teaching to him.

    Mr. Torres is someone you always see with a smile. He is someone who is always in a positive mood even when times are bad. He finds a way to crack jokes and make people happy on the worst days. His personality and habits are very addictive which is a great thing because it creates a positive atmosphere throughout school days. When there is a good atmosphere in a school, it makes school enjoyable which makes kids want to learn. One thing that Mr. Torres did that made me and other 8th graders happy was he treated us with respect regardless of our age.


The most important thing Mr. Torres taught me was how to go about life. He encourages me to live a positive life that contains lots of goals that will have me grow as a person/man. He is a man that shows tons of compassion and is loved by everyone. Mr. Torres is the man I strive to be. He is one who leads by example which something I admire and cherish because many do not do so. He personally has many goals, and he reaches all of them which drives the people around him to do the same.


The kind of mentorship/relationship Mr.Torres gave me, is one I would like to give someone else in the future. Without Mr.Torres I wouldn't be the person I am today, and that is something I truly believe. Despite many not being able to speak of Mr. Torres the way I can, I still believe the amount he has taught/done for me is enough to be considered for The Educator of the Year. Honesty, he's more than just an educator. He is a role model, a friend, a mentor, and even a guardian because his goal is to look out for the best.


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