Mr. Walker | Teen Ink

Mr. Walker

June 5, 2018
By Acurran BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
Acurran BRONZE, Wilmington, Delaware
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

My nomination for Educator of the Year is Mr. Walker from the Delaware Military Academy. Mr. Walker deserves the title of Educator of the Year because of his enthusiasm for teaching, his great methods of teaching, and his fairness. He was a great teacher to start the year with and introduce me to the ways of high school. Because of these genuine reasons above, Mr. Walker is the best educator that I have had in the past year.

Mr. Walker was always ready to start the day and teach the class new things. I came to class every day knowing that I was going to learn something different. Mr. Walker’s class was never boring. Not only was the class itself interesting, Mr. Walker had a true passion for teaching young people, he always started the class with a wide grin on his face.

    His passion for teaching showed through his many great ideas and methods he used to help us grasp concepts or events to the best of our ability. Every day, Mr. Walker had a detailed powerpoint on the lesson of the day. Every week, he assigned us a current event topic that we had to do a report on. This was important to me because these assignments really gave me insight on what was happening in the world during the time. We also debated on these topics to help us understand even more in depth aspects of world issues.

 It may have seemed like a lot of work at the time, but as I look back on it, the workload was very fair. Mr. Walker gave us plenty of opportunities to earn extra credit and even granted us grading curves for questions that didn’t make sense or that he deemed unfair. Also, he was an excellent judge during our debate league, and he only awarded the points that we truly earned.

All things considered, Mr. Walker is a very fair and enthusiastic teacher who has great methods of teaching us about the government functions, geography and current events. Therefore, Mr. Walker deserves the esteemed title of Educator of the Year.

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