They Call Him Papa | Teen Ink

They Call Him Papa

May 17, 2009
By Erin Thompson BRONZE, Prairie Village, Kansas
Erin Thompson BRONZE, Prairie Village, Kansas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Many people have someone who they look up to, who they see as perfect, and if not perfect, then maybe a beacon of hope. That person, whoever it may be, is there in the time of need, teaches what one needs to be taught, and displays a behavior that is respected by others. In my case, John, my grandfather, would honestly be my hero. He portrays a man that demonstrates perseverance, leadership, and strength.

In my eyes, perseverance is a quality that is rare. My grandfather has this quality which is one reason why he is my hero. Everyday my grandpa has a plan. He knows what he has to get accomplished, where he is going to start, and the hours he is going to work. He is retired but that does not stop him from trying new things and working hard at it. John has many dreams that he has not accomplished, but it is certain that in time he will surely achieve his goals. His whole life he strove to do the best, and be the best person he could be. Even if he hit a road block, he found a way to get around it. There were pot holes on the fast-moving highway that he had to swerve around, but he got past it all.

Also, my grandpa shows leadership. He is the top dog of the house hold. John takes care of his family, and would not let anything come between the love that he has with each individual person. Everyone respects him and the decisions he has made. My grandfather has taken responsibility for issues that were not his problem, and that alone is an example of how he represents leadership. No one can thank him enough for what he has taught his loved ones and others.

Finally, my grandfather is strong. He is both strong, mentally and physically. If something goes wrong, he knows how to handle it in a mature and well-respected way. My grandpa can take almost anything you throw at him. Whether it’s about something that happened in ones life or something that happened in his own, he puts his heart into any situation he is faced with. Many people would not be able to describe, yet, demonstrate the strength he has demonstrated through the years.

All in all, my grandfather is a pretty good guy. He has qualities that many people do not possess. There are too many words to describe my grandfather so to narrow it down he shows perseverance, leadership, and strength. There are many other great things that could be said about him but they are not needed. John has showed his loved ones the affection and care that is wanted and for that alone he is beyond doubt my hero.

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