Alecs Story | Teen Ink

Alecs Story

January 5, 2010
By Anonymous

Alec's Touching Story

“One morning in February 2008, my dog Alec came home limping after a trip to the park. An hour later he could no longer walk. My dog Alec suddenly becomes paralyzed after acute onset of intervertebral disk disease.

After hearing the story of Alec, the German Sheppard who turned nine years old on October 9th 2008, I wanted to learn more about his life and himself. Owner Nicole had very little hope that her dog would recover.

“He was given a poor prognosis that he would ever walk again. His disability turned our lives upside down (two spinal surgeries)” After that we had to move out of our house in San Francisco because it had too many stairs for Alec to handle.”

They moved to Portland, Oregon, where the still currently reside. One of the saddest parts of her dog’s life was that the dog couldn’t go to the bathroom by himself and he had to use a wheelchair to walk with. This poor dog’s life was miserable, something had to be done.

“During the past year, I have done regular physical therapy with Alec. We had tried the underwater treadmill, swimming and at home exercises and against all odds, a year after becoming paraplegic.”

Against all odds Alec has started to walk again. However he still had to use his doggie wheelchair to get around.

“Alec is a unique and special individual in his own right. In relation to me, Alec is not only my best friend and constant companion, but also a "significant other" and most cherished family member. I love him beyond words.”

In June of 2009, Nicole was excited because she found out that Alec no longer had to use to the doggie wheelchair to get around. He still has to wear a shoe to keep him from damaging his paw when he walks outside.

“His right hind leg will probably never be completely “normal,” but his left leg is pretty much 100% because he drags his back toes, the fabric of the shoe wears through really quickly. The shoe is not cheap.”

Luckily for Nicole and Alec, a client of his physical therapist donated a couple of these shoes to Rehab center and then they donated them to her.

He is still not allowed to run or get rambunctious on land but he loves to chase the ball in the water and this summer had been a blessing for Nicole

“I have taken him swimming in the rivers around Portland at least once, and often multiple times, a week. I was sad to see the summer slip away.”

Yes, he’s the dog who used to have the wheels but he has become the dog who doesn’t need them anymore.


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