Interview with a Real Estate Agent and Classical Singer | Teen Ink

Interview with a Real Estate Agent and Classical Singer

April 21, 2010
By NancyP PLATINUM, Aurora, Illinois
NancyP PLATINUM, Aurora, Illinois
26 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Elizabeth W. is a middle aged mother of two kids. I am so glad that she agreed to meet with me and talk about her previous careers as a real estate agent and classical singer, and give advice on people who are trying to find careers.

What did you want to be when you were younger?

“Well truthfully, when i was your age I wanted to be an astronomer.”

What made you want to be a real estate agent?

“I liked houses and people.”

What was your job interview like? Did anything surprise you about it?”

“It was a very straight forward interview, they asked me why I wanted to sell real estate, and what my exceptions were of the brokerage, nothing really surprised me.”

Did you have any careers previous to being a real estate agent?

“Yes, I was a classical singer.”

What made you want to change careers??
“Because I had children, and I needed to stay closer to them and not travel as much.”

Which of these careers did you like better??

If you could go back and change careers, would you?

“Yes, I might consider becoming a lawyer.”

Do you plan on staying with your current career?

“I have no clue.”

If someone asked for advice on picking a career, what would you tell them?

“I would say choose something that you love to do, but also make sure that you choose something that you can live with the lifestyle it calls for, such as traveling, being away from your family for long periods of time. Make sure you look at all the aspects of your career, (travel, income, hours, etc.) and weigh them all in your decision.”


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