A Business Man | Teen Ink

A Business Man

May 11, 2011
By uraltalk96 BRONZE, Aurora, Illinois
uraltalk96 BRONZE, Aurora, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"your either living everyday, or your dying everyday. Me, I'm living everyday" -Christofer Drew Ingle

Could you state your name and explain your job title?
I am Louis Kreppert and my job title is the assistant sales manager at Staples

Why did you decide to go into business?
I like the idea of helping people get what they want and I like making money.

Where did you start off in the business world?
When I was in high school I started off working at a McDonalds by my house. That was a great view into seeing how business worked, the ranks of people, and how you move up on the business ladder from an entry level position. After working at McDonalds I got a management position at RadioShack and I was with them for over 10 years. I really enjoyed working there and meeting great people but I felt it was time to move on. I decided to apply at Staples and got the job, that’s how I am where I am now!

In what ways does your job fit into what you wanted to be when you were growing up?
I wanted to talk to lots of people, be a people person. That’s about it because other then that growing up I wanted to be a fireman and that didn’t happen.

What training is needed for your job?
Well, you have to have a college education! You would get that in business, marketing, or business and marketing. You have to have sales training to know how to sell products to customers. You also need customer service training so you know how to… be nice to people. There is also the training that goes along with the company you work for.

What responsibilities go along with your job?
Oh my goodness that’s a lot. I need to help customers when they come in and make sure they get what they want. As a sales manager I need to help train my employees to help customers in the best way they can. I need to make sure the store runs smoothly, making important decisions when they come up, and I think that’s all.

Did you have any inspiration to go into your job? Who or what?
No, not really. I had people I have looked up but not anyone that really said this is what you should get into.

What do you enjoy about your job?
I enjoy helping customers get the products and the services they need to make their jobs better, like getting printers and back to school supplies. That’s probably the most fun, helping customers.

What do you dislike about your job?
Having to deal with irate customers, that’s really the only thing.

Do you have any pet peeves having to do with your job?
Employees that don’t come to work on time!

What is the most rewarding part of your job?
Having customers thank us for helping them get what they need to make their job better.

Is there anything else you would like to say before we finish our interview?
Take advantage of small opportunities you might get. Some people would laugh at the fact I worked at McDonalds as a cashier but I think it was a great way to start off in the business world and find a career path I love.

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