The Unexpected | Teen Ink

The Unexpected

May 19, 2011
By Carpenter4 BRONZE, Rainbow, Texas
Carpenter4 BRONZE, Rainbow, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Interviews are always nerve raking. For one you don’t know what will be asked of you, or if you will say something that makes a silence turn awkward. Interviews make getting a job so much harder. If someone is nervous and has never had an interview, and they don’t get the job you know it’s because they weren’t good in the interview. It’s always bad when you don’t get a job that you went and had an interview to, because you may see the person that gave the interview in the grocery store and they stop to talk. It’s by far the most embarrassing thing about not getting the job after the interview. Everyone has to eventually give or receive an interview in their life time, and gets scared from what’s unexpected. However, I think that there can be an easier way of rejection if the person isn’t that good at interviews. Not everyone has the guts to talk and talk to someone they barley know and not think it is a little awkward.

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