The Outcast Became The In-Cast!? | Teen Ink

The Outcast Became The In-Cast!?

November 10, 2014
By T@L@1997 BRONZE, Bronson, Florida
T@L@1997 BRONZE, Bronson, Florida
1 article 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Live: Because your haters don't want you to/ Laugh: In the faces the who hated on you/ Love: everyone who has always been there for you no matter what you guys go through

Hey, my name is Matthew Alen I am doing this interview for one reason and one reason only to send out a message to the kids whom think they are an outcast, you can make a difference, and you’re not alone in anything you do. If you're in trouble, you should tell someone, a friend, family, or an adult you can trust. I wanted to give up going through this stuff, it traumatized me, and it really messed up my mind. But I didn’t give up because if I couldn’t stand for myself, who could I stand for? No body because I would’ve been so scared. I am now over my fear of being bullied, it took a while but I did it with my own stupidity, and my ignorance for violence. But I am telling you now that is no way to settle things. All it did was get me in trouble, with staff, and other people around me. What I should’ve done was go tell an adult, such as, my teachers, the dean, or the principle. But I was foolish in every way possible, I became the bully, and that’s not what I wanted to be but if my choices were different I wouldn’t have been the bully to the bullies, who bullied me. I was always told, “Two wrongs DON’T make it right.” The bottom on the barrel is to tell someone because all you’re doing is hurting yourself and others in the long run. Some kids die by suicide every day because of bullies like I ‘USE’ to be. The things that got me bullied were people I was involved with at that time such as a guy named Daniel Stiltner, Stephen Nelson, and Bruce Hunt, and one girl I dated that I shouldn’t have dated because she was in love with Bruce but liked me which caused so much DRAMA within the group. Her name on the other hand is Tala Ainsworth, she was a sweet girl but her bolts weren’t screwed in so tightly. She was sort of like a loose cannon, I don’t even remember what her and I were like together. Besides if you can’t remember that, there wasn’t anything there to begin with, am I right or am I right? I know I’m right. I learned on my own as I got out of that group, “The more you hang out with the outcast, the more you become the outcast.” I also, learned, “All outcasts need friends, and one way to save the friendship and help them at the same time is to, tell an adult, or someone you trust with your life itself.”


Though the out caster’s eventually out casted me, and stabbed me in the back. As I got into the end of eighth grade, and beginning of ninth grade I started to it in with the in cast. I know what some of you are thinking hmmm… an ‘In Cast’ group does that even exist? Your answer to that question is yes they exist in everyday life, such as, cheer leaders, football jockeys, track runners, and volleyball players, basically anyone who plays some type of sport. I eventually got into another relationship, and this girl I rather not say the name of forced me to do things to her that I didn’t want to do I guess you can call me a big p***y. I didn’t want to make her unhappy so I did what I had to do, though it wasn’t that bad doing those things, I still didn’t care for it. But I do have a new girlfriend, her name is, Maggie she is so very sweet, loving, gentle hearted, and so very beautiful, and I love her very much because of those things. Though I have more to say about my love, sadly this is my life story. A boy, his “Friends”, a hard love life, and being the outcast is what I have dealt with in my life. I know people I may or may not know probably have it a lot worse than I do but I didn’t like what I went through either.

The author's comments:

My Inspiration came from a dear friend who was always by my side when I was here and am here again as is he. a very supportive soul if I may say. Thanks Matthew :)


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