A Summer Day | Teen Ink

A Summer Day

January 8, 2019
By kcoborn1 BRONZE, Osage, Minnesota
kcoborn1 BRONZE, Osage, Minnesota
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Sitting at my desk looking out the window, I can see the sun shining brightly with no clouds in the sky. I can see the sun’s rays bouncing off the paved road in front of the school. People off in the distance are dressed in shorts and tees. This image brings me back to a summer day; a day I will never forget.

I woke up that morning, as most summer days, to the bright sun poking through my window, blinding my eyes. I could smell bacon being cooked on the grill, one of my favorite things to wake up to. Dad was cooking breakfast. I threw on my favorite bikini and headed downstairs to eat.

We were on Potato Lake by noon that day, waiting for the rest of our family to get there. The sky was a beautiful blue, free of distracting clouds. The sun, getting hotter and hotter by the minute, reflected off my skin forcing me to jump into the lake. A soothing feeling swept over my body as I hit the water. I felt relaxed more than ever before. All my worries seemed to slip away when I was in the water. It was God telling me to slow down, take it all in, and look at all the beautiful things he created. The beauty of the bright green trees, the sparkle of the dark blue lake, and the brightness of the sun was a scene that only God could create. I never truly appreciated that view I had grown so familiar with over the years, until that day.

Once all of my family was on the lake, we went to the sandbar. Potato Lake is one of my favorite lakes because of the sandbar. It’s a place full of energy. All of the people are at the sandbar to have a good time and mingle with others. The best part about the sandbar is being able to get out of the boat and be refreshed by the water without being completely soaked. I love being able to play volleyball, or toss the football around with my sister. We could play for hours. At the sandbar, I talked to my grandpa. I still remember part of our conversation.

“Diane, I am so proud of you and everything that you have accomplished. You are a true example of how hard work pays off,” he said to me. “I have never seen a kid with so much determination to succeed.”

Not knowing how to respond, I replied, “Thank you Gramps, it means a lot!”

This conversation has stuck with me ever since. Whenever I am feeling down or feel like giving up, I recall that conversation when my grandpa told me how proud he was of me. Those words inspire me to never give up. Those words remind me of why I work hard and try my best. I am doing this for my future; I am creating the life ahead of me.

Later that day, my grandpa went tubing along with my dad and uncle. It was quite a sight to see. I can still picture them struggling to get on the tube, let alone fit on the tube. My dad and uncle hung off the sides of the sit-down tube while my grandpa was squished in the middle. As they were pulled across the water, the rest of my family and I watched in excitement and listened to “Get Along” by Kenny Chesney. As I sang along to this song, chills came across my body. One year ago, my cousin, Sam, had been diagnosed with cancer. This was a very hard time for Sam and for our family. He’s the guy that everyone wants to be around. We all look to him to put a smile on our faces with his great sense of humor. Losing Sam would have torn our family apart. Knowing that he was cancer free and sitting across from me, being his normal quirky self, brought tears to my eyes. I felt so lucky to be seated on that boat, on that lake, at that exact time. The love I have for my family is something that only God could create.

That night we went back to my aunt and uncle’s for a barbeque and bonfire. We sat around the fire eating ribs and telling stories. My grandpa and grandma told stories of when they were young adults and how they met. Sam and his brother, Tucker, brought out their guitars and began to play. I will never forget looking around the fire and seeing the tears roll down my grandpa’s face as he listened. He had tears of pure joy and happiness. He was soaking in everything he could in that moment, and so was I.

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