Running to Joseph | Teen Ink

Running to Joseph

May 9, 2019
By Jacques.Birb SILVER, Metairie, Louisiana
Jacques.Birb SILVER, Metairie, Louisiana
7 articles 0 photos 0 comments

There are times when things can be too hard to handle, but then there are people to pick you up and keep you going.  Although it seems clouded living through those moments, there is always a light at the end of the tunnel.

I never imagined my life without running. In visions of the future, I saw myself getting up early to run and keep in shape. What I didn’t see was my future without running. I thought everything was going to be fine, that I could just run through the pain. I found out quickly that I could not run through the pain. I remember after a few track practices of being in pain, I knew I had to quit. After years of being a part of a sports team, I was devastated that I couldn’t be a part of a team. I was going to die before I gave up my membership to a team. So if I couldn’t run, I was going to help the people that could. I became the manager of the team, helping the coach with anything he needed. This went on for 2 track seasons and 1 cross country season. Because I couldn’t go running with the summer practice, I took my time to try to get stronger by swimming. That summer I gave my everything to swimming. I endured the ice-cold water of the UNO area at 6 am. That summer my injuries got even worse. My chances of recovering and being able to run again were getting smaller and smaller. Being a part of the team was becoming lonelier and even more isolating. My mom knew it was time for a change.

This change came suddenly when I decided that I would no longer be a part of the track team. I couldn’t just sit around without an extracurricular. My mom talked to a few friends and found out when the Dionysian auditions were for a musical called Joseph and the Technicolor Dreamcoat. I loved the arts, but it would be my first time in a big production. The auditions were nerve-wracking, but I’d performed in front of thousands before so I could do anything. I got in the ensemble and rehearsal started the next week. Little did I know at the time that I would become good friends with many of my cast members. I got very close to many of the upperclassmen because they were the hierarchy of drama. As the show went on, it got closer and closer to the last showing. It was the seniors’ last show ever when the watergates broke for everyone.

If anyone asked me what I would be in two years I would’ve instantly replied, “Captain of Cross Country”. I never thought I would be apart of the drama scene. Now after two years of making productions, friends, and memories, I am able to say that I found some of my closest friends in this club and even my boyfriend. These past high school years have been challenging, but with guidance, I’ve found joy in the complete opposite place from where I started.

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