Why? | Teen Ink


October 11, 2019
By Anonymous

Not everyone will stay with you. During recess my best friend of 3 years and I were playing around on the swings and monkey bars. When it was about time to head back to class, she told me she was leaving the state. Confused I asked her “Why?” “Because,”  she responded. Everything seemed fine and I thought she was just playing around and that she was joking. 

Months later... this time before recess during lunch she sat next to me and told  me whispering to my ear, “Brenda, I think I’m going to leave in two days.” Again, I asked why and again no response. I got scared at this point. I didn’t know what to do, what to think. I quickly told her we should go somewhere and hang out, because I didn’t want her to leave, she agreed to meet up. 

That afternoon I headed to the place we planned to meet. I waited there because I really wanted to see her and it was going to be the last time we were going to be able to hang out. She was the only person I trusted in that school; her light brown hair and her white skin her blue eyes made her seem like all those annoying “show off” girls. The reality was that she was so nice and she always helped me. She was there when I was going through some difficult times and was there in my happiest times. She never changed.

I waited and waited... I called her 7 times.. left her almost 5 messages or even more. There was no response. I didn’t know why she wasn’t responding to me. At that moment I told myself it was going to be alright and that I was going to see her the next day at school. 

I went to sleep that day worried but something told me that it was going to be okay, that she couldn’t just go like that. I was confident that I was going to see her one last time.

The next morning came I nervously got ready for school. It felt as if I was about to lose something. Like a piece of me was missing in the big ocean. I got to school and sat at my desk. I looked around for her. There was no sign of her. I thought to myself maybe she is just late and that’s all I’ll still see her. I had to leave class to go to Communities in Schools (CIS) with Ms. Jones when I came back it was time for lunch. I asked all of my friends if they had seen her and all they told me was yesterday was her last day. Confused and shocked, I tried to say something back to them I wanted to ask them why, when, how, why didn't she tell me. I had so many questions, why did she lie to me I didn’t know what to do at that moment. I left to go to the restroom; I went to a stall and I wanted to cry. I tried to keep it all in; it didn’t make sense. Nothing made sense. I got out of the stall and headed to the sink and put water on my face. My best friend of 3 years who I trusted so much. Gone. She was my first best friend. The one who left without a real explanation other than: “I’ll leave the state”. All of my hopes went downhill. The only person I trusted and had hung out with for 3 years just disappeared out of nowhere. It hurt. It made me independent. It made me see that not everyone will stay. I feel like this friendship taught me a lesson if I ever have a best friend I should communicate more because you never know when things will end, maybe I was too young to understand. It didn’t seem so important at the moment but it gets worse later on. It made me see how people really are, and that I shouldn’t care so much because you never know how they really feel about you.

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