“Sisters” Separated by The Destiny | Teen Ink

“Sisters” Separated by The Destiny

October 16, 2019
By veropacor BRONZE, Battle Creek, Michigan
veropacor BRONZE, Battle Creek, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It all started in the 7th grade.

I turned and saw a girl with long, brown hair. Her eyes were dark shiny stars. The very first day of school we sat together, and since, we never let go of each other; at least until today.

 Our brothers used to play soccer in the same team, so me and her used to spend so much time together on [capitalization error] [punctuation error] saturday’s, “watching” the game. I say “watching” because we preferred way better talking about middle school drama, laughing and making surprised faces.

 Hungry of adventures and life; that’s how she was. She would always smile and take it easy. She made me feel complete. We were so different, but at the same time so similar. I would always put her on the first place and she would do that for me too. This contrast between our personalities made us love each other unconditionally; she became my best friend. My sister. My half.

Certain days memories about all those weekends spent at her house come to my mind. Laughing. Arguing. Crying..crying together!

We used to share everything; from the most superficial stuff, like sparkling party clothes to the deepest secrets. We sometimes used to argue for stupid things. When we were 13 we both liked a guy, and obviously we ended up fighting for him. After a couple minutes we stopped and realized that no guy could ever ruin our friendship. What a great memory.

 We were now ready for the so long-awaited 9th grade. I mean, who’s not excited about their first year of High School?! Everything worked as usual. After school we would eat lunch together at her house while watching cartoons,[comma splice]  that had a significant part in our childhood. Our favorite movies were the [capitalization error] disney movies. We would sleep in the same bed, listening to crazy music and telling our deepest thoughts and fears. We would also try the crazy diets and go together to the gym, ending up watching hot guys instead of working out.  We’ve gone through a lot together. She was by my side when I lost my grandpa and I was there to support her when she used to argue so badly with her mom. I loved her mom; she became my second mom. She was the typical chill parent. She would take us to every party and always pick us up.

 Late summer nights suddenly come to my mind. Just me and her, laying on the beach staring at the moon, high in the sky, performing on every single sad song I used to have on the Spotify playlist. Her voice was gorgeous. 

 People that we were surrounded by, became used to see us always together. We never missed a single party; we loved them. We always danced with crazy moves. We would go to parties even if we didn’t know the dude who was turning 18 years old and we would have so much fun. She was the only person I counted on.

 Someday, things gradually started changing. Gradually; [capitalization error] Like the rain. Drizzle that becomes storm. She started dating her boyfriend. I was struggling with some personal problems, so I changed. I was always in a bad mood. Beside that I started being jealous; when she was sad or whenever she needed some help, she didn’t turn on me as the first person anymore. I thought she didn’t need me anymore. I was sad because her boyfriend had now a piece of her and I knew, right in that moment that I wasn’t the only important person in her life anymore.

 I slowly went away from her. We didn’t meet so often anymore. All the time that we used to spend together became just a memory. 

 Now, after a year, she often comes to my mind. In those exact moments I realize how much I miss her shiny smile. I miss all the things we used to do together. We also had a favorite song that describes our friendship; “Guerriero”in italian, which means Warrior.

 Who knows, maybe someday, our paths will come together again, stronger than ever, and we’ll be sisters again. As in the good old days.

The author's comments:

This is the story of the most important friendship I've ever had. Exactly, I said "had" because I don't have it anymore. I believe in the fact that a friendship never dies, but I also fermly believe that if something really means to you, you should be always taking care of it. Taking care as you would do with a flower.

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