Loving is Easy | Teen Ink

Loving is Easy

October 16, 2019
By kandle BRONZE, Farmington, New Hampshire
kandle BRONZE, Farmington, New Hampshire
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

                                                     “Loving is Easy”

First summer night: It was one of those nights when I was just talking about life with my closest friends at the time and we got into some deep conversations, talking about our personal life. We were sharing some of the best and worst times we've had in our freshman year. Then we decided enough of the sob fest and let's listen to music! I was just scrolling through my suggested and I saw a song called “Loving is Easy” and it instantly caught my eye. I’d say about 30 seconds in we were all yelling the lyrics as we were crying laughing, giving each other the ugly-cry look2 because we knew how awful we sounded, but we felt whole.

2 weeks into summer:: I was personally going through a lot because of some things that happened during my freshman year, when I wasn't hanging out with the closest people to me. At the time I just felt full-on alone and didn't come out of my room. I was listening to the song a lot when I was upset just laying on my bed listening to the lyrics “I was all on my own” & the lyrics “almost glad to be alone, until love came in”. After listening to it for a while I realized I do have love , my mom, she checked in on me constantly during that period, she would also ask me about me, ask me to go out with her , I think she knew something was up but she knew I didn't want her to ask. She has always been there, the song and she are the reason why I don't let that stuff from that year bother me anymore.

Mid summer: We went on & listened to the song I swear almost daily and every time we were together. We would be driving around with no destination with the song blaring on max. The song was how we got away from the world, almost like you're in outer space. The song makes you feel cheerful inside, makes you feel like being nice, makes you feel as if nothing can bring you down anymore. 

On one of those great summer nights, my friend called me up and told me how her boyfriend broke up with her so as soon as I found out we went for a car ride and you know what we did? Yes, we put on the song “Loving is Easy” and sung like there was no tomorrow. It doesn’t seem like the song would be helpful but it truly helped me. The lyrics “loving is easy when everything’s perfect” is one of the most meaningful parts, because nothing is ever going to be perfect, you live and you learn, you'll make mistakes and that's just part of life. So you need to just learn to love no matter what, be happy, take those chances and risk it all. It’s for any mood if your mad at your significant other or just sad and just want to feel hyped up. The song isn't just an old break up song, you can look at it from different perspectives. 

Last night of summer: came to an end we had one last night before school, we drove around listening to “Loving is Easy” eating M&M McFlurrys feeling as if we were whole and nothing could ever go wrong, I lived my best life that summer & I will continue to listen to this song, remembering how's it’s helped me throughout that period of time in my life.

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