I am Not | Teen Ink

I am Not

March 10, 2021
By Anonymous

To: Middle School Bella

One day you’ll read a book and find yourself wondering how you want others to see you and how you live your life. Then, you’ll want to be like someone but you’re not. Here are a few things to keep in mind about who you are not:

You are not someone who needs many friends, you only need a few good ones

You are not one to roam the halls to talk to your friends

You are not one to go out every friday 

You are not a person who sits on their butt

You are not someone who gives up 

You are not one to ask for help until someone forces you 

You are not one to need the biggest things in life

You are not one to speak their mind

You are not a social butterfly

You may think that you’re going to change when it comes to high school, but believe me, you will still be the shy, quiet girl who sits in the back of the class with the couple of good friends. But you are still loved and cherished by the ones who love you. 

From: High School Bella

The author's comments:

In class, we needed to write about something that we are not. So I decided to write to my younger self and tell her what will come or not come in the future.

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