Covid: A Draining Ordeal | Teen Ink

Covid: A Draining Ordeal

March 21, 2021
By Kevin_Lopez202970 BRONZE, Salt Lake City, Utah
Kevin_Lopez202970 BRONZE, Salt Lake City, Utah
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

As I look back on 2020 with the many events that has occurred, I forgot many things and a lot of the fun times when we weren't stuck at home. All my friends and all the people I could talk to at West High School had just vanished from my life during this time. I could remember me walking at a relatively small pace looking over my shoulder talking to my friend Reyli about whatever we could think of like “What should we do for summer?” Or “Are you excited to go to Lagoon in May!” Everything tragically ended when we all had to quarantine ourselves and West High School being shut down. 
The beginning was not too bad, and I would mostly do my online work and play video games or watch movies, but as time pasted you get tired of doing the same thing repeatedly. At that time, I would think what it was like going out with my friends: Reyli, Leo, and Angel. I had thought of all the good memories we had made of the span of six years, and I just really missed hanging out with them usually on a daily basis. Online schooling was a very big struggle for me especially the assignments that were tough for me since I rarely used computers. 
As months went by, I felt increasingly exhausted and stressed due to the online schooling since I had been struggling in many of my classes like having the lowest grades I have had and some nearly failing. After first term I wanted to be ready and caught up on my second term so I would not feel stressed from having assignments being late and it did work out in the beginning, but then creeping up behind me a couple events had struck me like a punch to the face. 
The first major issue was that I tested positive for covid-19 and this really drained the energy out of me and had me feel sick for a couple of days often missing a couple of classes which really brought me down. After testing positive my dog had a litter of 7 puppies which I was mostly responsible for during the night where my parents and older brother Bryan had to go to work, and I had to feed the puppies every two hours so I had to stay up until around 4 in the morning where my mom could come early to watch over them. 
  All this had happened for around 2 months during school days so I would have around 4 hours of sleep before I went to class which really drained me especially when I had Covid-19. 
 I would experience my first time passing out due to the lack of sleep while feeding the puppies with my Bryan, and I just remember feeling dizzy as I was looking around and I even said “I feel dizzy” to my brother as if I were in a movie to just see darkness fill my eyes. I got woken up by Bryan in a panic: 
“What happened” I asked confused 
“I don’t know I just saw you fall on the bed and I was trying to wake you up, but you weren't waking up.” he replied 
“I think you just passed out.”  he added with a chuckle 
During this crazy time of Covid I had been missing a couple of days of school towards the end of second quarter and the beginning of the third quarter which made me miss on some assignments which are hard to do as I kept getting more assignments each day, but I kept trying my best after all these obstacles of online schooling, covid-19, and those puppies. I would always tell myself “don’t give up” and “it will be over soon” because nearly all my friends had given up on going to classes an doing the assignments which was something I dreaded. 
Up until these past weeks I have been doing better to turn in my assignments, but I need to complete a couple of missing assignments so I can get at least a C- for my scholarship requirements. After more than a year of the pandemic I have experienced many hardships that affected my daily life during this time that has change me. During this time I would think to myself “I am a failure, like there’s no hope for me” but in the end I never gave up no matter the obstacle I had to face, and I had to accept the fact that whatever happens, happens that I can’t change what is to come like the pandemic. I also learned that I shouldn’t take my friends for granted because they mean a lot to me and being separated from their support took a huge toll on me. 

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