Key West | Teen Ink

Key West

March 23, 2021
By Anonymous

In Key West there is beautiful flora, fauna, and food. The smell of fish lingers through the air. You can look for iguanas in dark green palm trees. Boats are small, usually hold up to six people. The beaches and bars have drinks like white and yellow Pina Coladas and maroon Miami Vices donning those small umbrellas on top. The people you meet are friendly and always wave or smile. The Key West is full of tropical colors.  
As we walked around key west looking around for someone we were trying to meet, we were startled by something. 
“Hey there!” said a gravelly voice from behind us. We jumped and turned around. 
“Who are you?” We asked. 
“I’m your guide” She responded. She was an older lady with grey, curly hair. She was wearing a black shirt and khaki shorts. She looked about fifty. 
“Thank you for being our guide” My mom said. The lady motioned us to follow her towards the dock. We walked along the dock until we found her boat. She had a medium sized white boat. Once we got on the boat, the lady formally introduced herself. 
“My name is Cindy” she said. We shook hands and introduced ourselves as well. Cindy started the engine and drove us out slowly for a few minutes, then she began to go faster. Once we got to an open area Cindy stopped driving and turned the engine off. We put on our goggles and attached a snorkel. Cindy showed us proper procedures for seeing certain creatures and told us not to take anything from the ocean. After her brief explanation of the rules, we went snorkeling for an hour. While I was snorkeling, I saw jellyfish and crabs. I also saw clown fish, coral, and one weirdly shaped lobster. On the way back I saw dolphins diving and sand sharks shuffling. We ended with a relaxing boat ride back to the dock. Once we got to the dock, we thanked Cindy and went to a restaurant to eat dinner. We ate and then went back to the dock and watched the sunset. 

The author's comments:

Its a memory of my first time leaving my home city

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