The Old Cottage | Teen Ink

The Old Cottage

October 14, 2021
By emmare18 BRONZE, Temperance, Michigan
emmare18 BRONZE, Temperance, Michigan
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Instead of sleeping, I stay up watching the bright moon race us along the car and the stars cheering the moon on. I can’t fall asleep, I'm just so excited knowing that I’m officially going to the summer cottage I’ve been wanting to go to for years. When we got there, it was really dark, no street lamps and the house light wasn't on outside. The only light we had was from the bright moon. We went in, got the beds settled, then we all fell asleep with the warm wind coming in through the windows and the cool air coming from the fans on the ceiling above. We wake up to the bright, warm sun peeking through the window, the smell of cooked bacon being on the table. My sister asks me as I’m stretching out of bed, asking if I want to see the lake and back yard. When I walk out the wooden back deck, with a white wire table and white plastic chairs to go with it, also with a big rainbow umbrella that sits in the center of the table. After walking past that, through the green trees and the little forest at the bottom, I see a sparkly blue water that I was just mesmerized by. We walked down the wooden steps, onto the wet, green, squishy grass, then onto the wooden boat dock. I look down into the water, I see little fast fish swimming around, I see all these different colored rocks, the different sizes of them. The sun beaming down, making the bright blue water even more sparkly than what it is, with the small waves crashing by. We heard her fiance yell down that breakfast is ready, so we got off the boat and sat down on the cold chairs at the old wooden table to eat some eggs, toast, bacon, with a cup of hot coffee. While we ate we planned out the day and what we wanted to do. 

While they cleaned up in the small one person kitchen, I decided to look around the cottage and look at all the stuff around. On the walls there's pictures of the cottage over the years, maps of the lake and all of the things around the lake. There is a fireplace with a dark wood bookshelf next to it in the corner. The bedrooms are small but big enough for the cottage rooms. The walls are wooden. In one room there is a queen size bed with a TV stand and a little vanity in the wall. In the other room, there is a big wooden dresser, a bunk bed, and another queen size bed. That room also was a vanity built into the wall. The living room had two blue chairs, two pull out beds, and a photon bed with plaid sheets. Behind the couch there is a huge glass window where you can see the crystal blue lake. “I’m going down to the boat dock,'' I yelled to my sister as I’m already out the door. I walk back onto the squishy wet grass, back onto the old wooden dock and sit on the edge and put my feet in the water. As soon as I put my feet in, I jumped back because it's a little cold but I pushed through it. The water was shockingly cold but it got warmer as you get used to it. It's silent, all I hear is the waves crashing along the stone wall that separates the land and lake. I hear birds chirping and the ducks that are swimming in the water quaking, the wind rustling through the trees. It smelled fresh, clean. It was just nice to finally be able to get a break and relax. Escape the real world. 

We decided to go on a boat ride, jump off and swim also. It is a brown and tan pontoon boat, we sit down and the seats are hot already from the sun beating down on them. He starts the boat up and it makes a rumble sound and as he is pushing the boat out, I can hear the motor just barely touching the water but it is in the water far enough that it spits out water. We finally start going and the water is spitting out even more now with the motor in the water. The wind is blowing through my hair and the water is sprinkling back at me. I look over at my sister sitting across from me on the boat, looking out to the water. She's holding her hat to make sure that it doesn’t fly off the boat, her soft hair that is free is blowing with the wind. She looks back over at me and her eyes are like an ice blue, her tan skin making them pop out even more. Her freckles are even showing more than what they normally show, they always pop out during summer time. She smiled a small smile at me, and her soft quiet voice said “isn’t this great.” I nod my head and smile back at her, we both go back to looking at the water. I loved being at the cottage already and it was still only the first day. I knew I wanted to be there all the time. 

Being at the cottage made me try new things, it made me do things I’ve never experienced before. It impacted me because the first time I went, I was experiencing something hard and going there made life so much better, made me feel better. Every time I go I just feel less tense, I feel so much more relaxed. I have so much fun and spending it with some of my favorite people makes it so much better. My sister and I will always be excited to go and always have the best time, every time. I can’t wait to go again this year, my fifth year. 

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