2021 Kindness Contest: Passing It On | Teen Ink

2021 Kindness Contest: Passing It On

November 29, 2021
By Anonymous

It’s 2021 and Blake girls soccer tryouts were in July. I was in 8th grade and didn’t know anybody. (Have you ever been in that type of situation?) I was so nervous. I had tried out for fun the year before to see how the tryouts would work so I could prepare for this year. But when I got there I didn’t see any of last year's coaches, rather 3 unfamiliar faces. I didn’t know what to expect. 

I arrived at tryouts early to get myself prepared physically and mentally. I grabbed a thick sharpie from the bin and looked at the tryout list to find my number. Then wrote “41” big on the outside of both my arms and legs. I then sat down to get my gear on. As people arrived, they paired up and started passing. I didn’t have anyone so I started juggling by myself.

“Jane!!!” one of the senior captains, Kate, yells at me when she arrives. 

“Hey what’s up!!” I instantly felt so much better, still super nervous, but better. 

“I’m good, how are you?” I replied. The conversation continued about school and soccer and then she invited me to pass with her, which I really appreciated. As tryouts went on I got less and less nervous because I was honestly just having fun. All the upperclassmen were so nice and treated me like I had been on the team for years. 

After 3 stressful days of tryouts, coach said she would send an email with the results. I was so nervous. There’s no way I’m making varsity, I thought.  Unexpectedly, I got pulled aside at the end of tryouts to talk with coach. The field emptied, leaving me alone with the coach and a few intimidating-looking upperclassmen. I was told I made varsity and the girls started yelling;

“Yayyyyy! let’s go little 8th grader!” and I couldn’t stop smiling.

The season felt so short because it was so fun. It left me in tears at the end because I realized how badly I would miss the seniors, mainly Kate. We all said our final goodbyes and returned back to club soccer. I had about a week in between ending my high school season and starting my club season.

At our first club practice, while passing a ball with my friend Maggie, I noticed a new girl, Madeline.  She was standing away from everyone else fidgeting with her fingers and looking down. When I looked at her, I saw myself at Blake tryouts. So I pulled out my inner Kate and went over to her.

“Hey Madeline! I was wondering if you maybe wanted to pass with us?”

“Um, yeah sure!” she said. We talked about school, soccer and had a good time. Madeline is now one of my best friends on the team and I’m so glad that I got to know her. I never realised that just one simple question could be so important and influential. 

The author's comments:

Blake is the school that I go to. 

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