Her | Teen Ink


December 6, 2021
By T2tough BRONZE, Daytona Beach, Florida
T2tough BRONZE, Daytona Beach, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

She looked in the mirror as the tears fell down her face it finally hit her; she didn’t want to be here anymore. She looked at the little white pills in her hand as she puts them in her mouth one by one. She took three pills so far crying harder and harder after each one. Once she put the fourth one in her mouth, she spit it out and asked herself “what am I doing?”

  It was the start of the young girl’s junior year at Atlantic Community High School let’s call her Kayla. Kayla was excited to start her junior year. Basketball season was going to be great she knew that this was her year to go hard because she wanted a scholarship to go play basketball in college. Fast forward its November the start of basketball season Kayla was more than ready she conditioned and trained as hard as she could for this moment. As time went by Kayla was having a great season, they were winning games back-to-back at one point. Kayla was doing so good that she finally talked to the first college that was interested in her La Salle University. Soon after they were multiple colleges interested in Kayla she was as happy as she could be all it did was drive her to go harder most of all she was humbled and felt more than blessed. Kayla was most excited to tell her girlfriend let’s call her Jade they’ve been together since the past summer. Now these two were in love and nothing could separate them they were also this word called “Toxic.” Jade always did Kayla wrong, but Kayla still stayed because when you love someone its hard to leave them alone. Time flies by and its almost the end of the season it’s the game before the district championship it was Atlantic vs. West Boca Kayla, and her team was ready for the competition. “HONNNNNNK” the scoreboard rung as both teams walked on the court for jump ball. Kayla wiped the bottom of both of her shoes and pointed at the sky. The ball was tossed up in the air BOOM! GameTime!PASS, SHOOT, SCORE! Kayla was going crazy her teams playing hard. The score was neck and neck from the start of the game it was win or go home and both teams fought down to the wire. It was two minuets left in the game West Boca was up by 5 Kayla told herself that her team wasn’t going to lose this game they worked to hard to leave here. The point guard dribbled the ball up the court and passed Kayla the ball she shot the three and Kayla made it her team was down by two now. A minute left in the game both teams battling to the end one score after the next. It was 15 seconds in the game West Boca was up by three Atlantic was on a time out coach was drawing up a play. The ref blew the whistle for both teams to come back on the court. Kayla’s teammate took the ball out of bounds she passed it to the point guard. Time is whining down, and no one ran the play right, so Kayla called for the ball 5, 4,3,2, Kayla shot the ball…. 1.  HOONNNNNNK the ball bounced off the back of the rim that was it Atlantic lost the game the season was over. Kayla was devasted but it was okay because travel season was starting up and she had a lot of interests, and she knew she would get a scholarship and go D1 but one day all that changed. It was March 2020 and there was a virus called coronavirus that started to spread around and was killing people. No one took it serious at first it was close to Spring Break and instead of one week off they gave us two because of this virus. Those two weeks turned into the rest of the school year. Then the travel season got canceled that took a toll on Kayla because she was supposed to have serval coaches come and watch her play. Months went by and this virus just got worse and worse things got so bad they shut down certain states and Florida was one of them. So, Kayla was stuck in the house couldn’t play basketball or nothing she was devasted. So, remember Jade? Kayla’s girlfriend?  She’s has done Kayla extremely wrong during this quarantine, she has cheated multiple times and Kayla always took her back. As time went by Kayla kept getting drained more and more that she took Jade back. It was June 5th, 2020, Kayla found out something that Jade did, and she was fed up she left her for good this time. Kayla was torn but she knew that it was for the better. The bright side was that travel season was coming. It was the week before tryouts for travel basketball Kayla was heartbroken but excited until she went on Instagram and seen that her travel tea cancelled tryouts due to COVID-19. After two months of quarantine Kayla was finally able to play travel ball she was so  happy but Her season was cut short because she felt like her coaches didn’t have as much potential in her than the other players, she thought she wasn’t good enough and the colleges that she talked to didn’t contact her anymore so she quit travel basketball. Kayla was devastated no basketball or no girlfriend. She was drained Mentally, Physically, and Emotionally. All Kayla did was cry and cry, she became numb after awhile and was done with everything. Kayla was just a sad cloud one night Kayla walked into the bathroom She looked in the mirror as the tears fell down her face it finally hit her; she didn’t want to be here anymore. She looked at the little white pills in her hand as she puts them in her mouth one by one. She took three pills so far crying harder and harder after each one. Once she put the fourth one in her mouth, she spit it out and asked herself “what am I doing?” Kayla dropped the pills, dropped to her knees and begged God for forgiveness. Kayla knew from that moment that she never wanted to be in this space again. Kayla found someone to talk to, she did things to keep her mind off her problems, basketball came back into her life, she got her first offer from Daytona State College and then two more after that. As time went by Kayla got to go on her visit and she loved it the day she went she committed to Daytona Sate. Kayla started to become happy again she started to see rainy days turn into sunny days. Kayla was doing good she left for the summer to go tocollege June 26th, 2021, was the day she left two weeks went by and Kayla was having so much fun and was doing so much better than she was until one morning Kayla got a phone call from her mom saying that her grandma was dying, she didn’t have much time to live. Kayla immediately had to leave summer school to go spend time with her grandma before she left this earth. July 16th 2021, at 5:18am Her grandma passed away. Kayla was heartbroken she didn’t cry because she had to be strong for her mom. Till this day Kayla hasn’t been genuinely happy because once her grandma died so did a piece of her. The good thing is Kayla overcame her hardest battle if I were you I would be proud of Kayla because I am her and she is me..

The author's comments:

This is a personal essay of something a close friend of mine went through. I just want other people to know that you are here for a reason depression is not worth you taking your own life

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