Favorite place | Teen Ink

Favorite place

February 7, 2022
By Anonymous

It's hard to think about one that's better than the rest and that you'll never forget. There's just so many places to pick from. Unlike most people who will most likely pick their house, a place I will never forget would have to be Mexico. Yes, the place in which I only go once a year. I lived my best life in those 30 days. I'm just so free. But I will say that my biggest fear happened here. Something I would've never thought I would have to go through. I will never forget this day, all my emotions and how nervous and scared I was. 

I had finally convinced my parents to let me go to Mexico for one month. This wasnt my first time going so they knew they could trust me. To be honest I had mixed feelings talking and meeting new people just isn't my thing i wasnt completely sure if I wanted to go. My cousins were the ones that told me it would be a good idea if I did. The last time I went was three years ago. I  HATED IT . At the time I was only ten and wasnt allowed to go anywhere or hangout with anyone I didn't know. The entire  time I was there I felt isolated, kind of like if I was in quarantine with my grandparents. Besides, my grandparents are not very outgoing people so it was like I was back home. I hoped this time things were going to be different. 

On my third day on vacation I woke up extra early. I had to make sure I was ready on time . The reason why I was getting ready was because two of my cousins Amber and Valerie And I  were going out for  breakfast at a really fancy restaurant . Once we finished eating we went to a few stores and did some shopping . Since it was only my third day here I had kind of forgotten where everything was so I had to follow my cousin Valerie, who had been there for longer. We decided to take a break, I wasnt used to walking everywhere I had to go. All of a sudden we see one of my cousins Isaiah and his friend Robert pull up in a 5 passenger razor. He asked if he wanted to join and go around the town. Valerie agreed but Amber and I weren't so sure about it .Isaish said that everything would be ok. “Alright I'll go as those words were coming out of my mouth all I could think about was my mom telling me that I wasnt allowed to get in anyone's vehicle even if we were family. To be honest I was really scared, he was a good driver but he wasnt the smartest. He liked to go unnecessarily fast .In the past I had even flipped while being in a razor with him. Things started off great. I had no regrets. Until all of a sudden we got to a place I had never seen before,there were cows everywhere as well as mud, no houses tho. He thought it was a super fun idea to spin around in circles and make sure that we would get covered in mud. This wasnt the worst part though. He lost control and we flipped towards the driver's seat which thankfully wasnt my side. It was Valerie's side. It was her first time riding a razor and she didn't know how to react and accidentally took her left foot out. Robert was the first one to react to Isaiah next. We all got out of the vehicle and lifted the razor. Thankfully it wasnt that heavy. Valerie's ankle was bruised. I felt so bad for her. 

We went to Isaiah's grandparents store to get help but they weren't there . So we went around the corner and got to another store, Robert and Isaiah got off and came back with 4 cans of beer. What beer? I couldn't believe my eyes.They even offered but we declined. I thought they went in there for help, not beer. At this point I didn't really care. I was just worried for Valerie so I stood quietly because I knew they wouldn't listen. On our way home (down the hill) we saw a police car headed our direction. My heart dropped. They sign us to pull over and we do. My heart was beating so fast. They asked us questions and took pictures of us. What scared me the most was them saying that if they did end up taking us to jail that we wouldn't be allowed out until our parents would pick us up. My parents weren't in Mexico and who knows how long I would have to be there. One of the policemen asked Isaiah if their parents could pick us up. I was so relieved. I even started to secretly record in my back pocket because I couldn't believe what was happening. But we were in the middle of nowhere which meant bad signal. It took us about 10 minutes to finally get a hold of someone. It was Isaiah's grandfather. They were in their way. One hour had passed and no one had come. They told us that if they didn't come in 20 minutes, they would take us. About 5 minutes later we saw a truck pulling up. I had never been so happy to see someone. 

The officers let us go. The whole ride home was silent. I was so happy they decided to let us go. I still couldn't believe what had happened. Amber and I tried to keep it a secret but we couldn't .Isaiah's mom had told my parents. Words can't explain how mad my mom was at me.  I can't imagine the pain Valerie had to go through, she sprained her ankle. Overall this was a very fun experience that I hope I never have to go through. Now I know not to get in cars with people that shouldn't be driving and to obey my parents.

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