My Quaritine Experience | Teen Ink

My Quaritine Experience

February 7, 2022
By Anonymous

          It was the end of the year 2019 news years actually.  What I didn’t know was there was gonna be a disease like the plague. I was at home celebrating and my mom was asleep. The new year's bell had rung because the clock hit twelve. After a couple of minutes I went to sleep. Two months had passed and my mom was watching the news. Only to find out there was a disease called, “Covid-19”. 

          The news reporter said it had killed a few people. My mom was worried because she is a nurse at a hospital. Hospitals of course have a lot of germs. Days after what we saw on the news we were going to the grocery store to get groceries. Boy did we have a surprise. We had gotten to the store only to find out that there was no food, no cleaning supplies, and no tissue! “What are people going to need tissues for!” I asked my mom. “I dunno”, she said. 

          All I could think of is what tissue is going to do for you in a pandemic. We tried other stores but they had nothing. This left me distraught at the idea that my family had nothing in the house. Now we have to wait on people to restock. So my mom and I decided to go home. When we had gotten home I went straight to my room and went to sleep. 

           After a few weeks I started to become very upset. Because I wasn’t allowed to go outside.  Just me stuck in a room that I couldn’t get out of. Couldn’t help but feel as if I was stuck like there was nowhere to go, and I couldn’t do anything. After a while I would just sleep in and do nothing. Then  I would try to read books but I wasn't the type to read a lot. So I didn’t have much interest in reading. The Covid cases were starting to rise and it was december almost christmas. 

            My grandma had called to see what I wanted  for christmas. So I asked her if she could get me art supplies.  The reason I asked her this was because during this time I started doing art. This was to express my emotions because I never talk about them much to my parent’s.  Also because I can’t explain things in words verbally. If I was angry I would just sit around in my room with an attitude. If I was upset I wouldn’t cry instead I would make my throat hurt. Until the pain would go away. 

           My mom said to always express yourself, but for some reason I just can’t. Finally Christmas day. My parents didn’t get me much. This was because I'm very indecisive. My grandma's present she bought for me was there. There was an art kit. This had water color paint, fancy coloring pencils, oil pastels, and afew paint brushes. 

          This was so delightful that I jumped up in the air. “ Thank You so much grandma!”, I said. “ Your welcome sweetheart”, my grandma said. That was a very good day. The month had a few days left before new years. I was trying to keep good grades which wasn’t going so well since it was online schooling. 

          This type of schooling was getting harder to work with because the WiFi was always low because it was being used way too much. Math was the worst of it all. Online schooling made me not able to keep up with anyone. There wasn’t anything hands on. This kept me so worried about my report card. Everytime a term was over I was only allowed to bring A’s and B’s home. Even if I was to bring home a B it was a warning to bring it up. 

          My mom would be mad at me if I had a C, but wouldn’t say anything. Trying to keep good grades, and be a good daughter led to me having OCD. I couldn’t help but keep things perfect and clean. I would put anything in order no matter how messy it would be. Me, myself, and I finally made it to the new years , with a mental disorder and stress. Finally 2021 came and now that meant, “new year, new me”. 

          That thing never stayed with me so I gave up on it. What I learned is that staying in one room or house will make you feel very cluttered. You should always express yourself no matter how har it might be to get it out.

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