That one time i got lost | Teen Ink

That one time i got lost

February 7, 2022
By 717396 BRONZE, Fort Worth, Texas
717396 BRONZE, Fort Worth, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

It was a normal day, I was going to soccer practice in the morning. But then it started raining pretty bad but we still practiced. It was going really well but I kicked the ball to the parking lot. And I went to get the ball and then from a distance I saw my mom.

 She was there to pick me up early. Well I went to my house and relaxed for a bit. But then my cousins called me and they told me that we should hang out for the day. I said yes but I had to ask my mom. I asked her and she said no. 

But I told her it stopped raining and it's just for a little while. And then she said yes, and I was so glad. First we went to one of my cousin's friends that has a pool table. We just stayed there for a little while.

 And then we went to get something to eat. But then we decided to go to the field and play some soccer. I could finally show what new stuff I can do. We played after a while and my team was winning. But then, one of my cousins kicked the ball to the forest next to the field . Then me and one of my cousins were racing after the ball, hoping that we would not lose it. But we did, I was a bit terrified and scared but my little mind was bad. I was checking after a while but no luck.

 It was getting dark, but then I found that ball on a tree. It was our destiny to get the ball. We climbed up the tree, and we finally got it. It was a short tree that was easy to climb on. But luck was not on our side because we were lost but thank god I had my phone with me, so I turned on my flashlight and we tried to find where my cousins were at.

 I called them to come help us and luckily, they found us but it was a bit late and I knew that I was about to get in trouble. But my mom didn't call me, which was the odd part. I was 2 hours late. My cousins dropped me off at my house and I said my goodbyes.

 And then I found my mom sleeping and to this day, she still does not know that I came late. That was one of the craziest experiences of my life because I was lost for 20 or 30 minutes in a park, by a forest, and I was just with my cousin. Thank god I had my phone cause I probably wouldn't be here on this very day.

The author's comments:

i was 10 at that time and i didnt know what could happen.

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