My name | Teen Ink

My name

October 13, 2022
By jgett SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
jgett SILVER, Sussex, Wisconsin
8 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The name Joe, short for Joseph, comes from Hebrew. It was first used in the first century, CE. A long time ago. The name Joe means, God will Give. Not sure what that is supposed to mean. But,  Joseph is in the Cathlic church. Which I’m part of. Joseph was the husband of Mary. Jesus’s earthly father. When I hear earthly father it reminds me of the oceans and forests of the world. A good message. 

The name Joe has 2 small letters and contains a big first letter. The J reminds me of the sea. The hook of the J is like a fisherman fishing his fish. The swooshing and switching of the fish battling in the water. The oe is small and reminds me of ants in the Earth. Running around, trying to survive and live. The Fish and ants are very different but have similarities. Then mesh together. Both trying to live and survive. Just like the J and oe. Very different letters and look different too. They combine to make the great name, Joe.  

Joe. A name that comes quick out of your mouth. Fast like a cheetah. A top speed of 80mph. Catching anything it puts it’s mind too. Never giving up. Like me. Once I have my mind on something, I can’t leave it until it’s done. Could be little or big. As little as this essay, or as big as the entire semester. 


Family. Is a big part of my name. I am the 4th Joe/Joseph in my family. Not sure how this tradition started. My great grandpa, my grandpa, and my dad all have the first name Joe. My great grandpa then decided to name his son Joe too.

Getty. My last name which is longer than Joe. The more letter represents what I love to do. My hobbies are very large and different. Sports is a big one. The T’s look like some I play. The longer T’s look like a basketball pole and poles for volleyball. Which are my favorite 2 sports. Then the G looks like a glove from baseball. Loved baseball when I was young. Got burnt out. The Y, looks like slopes with sharp curves. Relates to skiing and mountain biking. Which I love. The curvy reminds me of a fish pole as well and I love doing that too. 

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