My uncle's death | Teen Ink

My uncle's death

May 12, 2023
By Anonymous

It was May 5th, a normal Thursday. I went to school and had a lot of fun with my friends. I arrived at my house and quickly went to take a shower. I was showering like I normally do, and as soon as I left the shower, I heard some agitated voices that were alert to me so I put my clothes on and went outside. I saw my mom devastated and I heard my sister say, “Our uncle Pepe is dead, he crashed his car”. At that moment I asked them if they were sure that he was dead, or if there was a possibility he could live. They told me he was 100% dead, and I felt useless. I felt I was getting heavy and it was difficult for me to walk. I went to my room to process because I was in shock. Then I started to realize and I got sad. I started crying, so much that I couldn't see because of my watery eyes. I layed down on the floor with my dog and my eyes started to get watery. My mom told me to hug her and I collapsed. I started to cry with no control and we talked about what he thought of us and how he was. We went to eat something before my mom went to Morelia (which was where he lived). Dinner was very awkward and we barely made a sound. 

Then I decided I would go with my mom, to support her and my grandparents, and also to say goodbye to my uncle's body so I didn't go to school the next day. We went to Morelia and during the ride we talked about experiences we had with him. We arrived when it was already dark and there was a really heavy atmosphere. We all cried and said sorry to everyone. Everyone was devastated and it all felt unreal, I just hoped everything was all a weird dream. 

We arrived at the funeral and we talked with all the family. I even saw people I hadn't seen in a while. Suddenly my closest cousin arrived, and I cried again. We needed to wait until the body arrived and meanwhile we ate and chatted a bit. We stayed there 4 hours until 4 am when we thought the body arrived. 

It was really weird because the oldest cousin who was 18 was very normal and didn't look very sad so I thought the shock was what kept her like that. Then the middle one was really sad and I hugged her tight and we both cried. Finally, the youngest was in his car and didn't want to face it; he also didn't want to see the body which hadn't arrived. We all cried again and hugged each other. Maria Pepe’s wife was totally devastated. 

Then I went to see Pepe’s son who was in his car and he acted normally. I played with him on his iPad and then I went again with my mom. One hour later the body came, Pepe’s son fell asleep in his car, and all the family made a line to receive Pepe. The moment the casket passed through the place I was in, I felt a heavy vibe and I cried again. We prayed for him and they opened the casket. I wanted to say goodbye to him so I went and saw him. At that moment I felt like he wasn't real like a wax figure and in some way when I looked at his eyes, I thought he was about to blink because the last time I saw him, he did. All the family said goodbye and me, my mom and my grandparents went to the house to sleep because we were really tired. I fell asleep quickly because I was tired and when I woke up the first thing I remembered was that Pepe was dead. 

The lesson I learned was that life could end at any moment and we don't know when. Because I've never imagined that Pepe could die that fast because he died and he was a support to the family. 

Now that I think about it, you need to enjoy everyone in your life and enjoy your life because it could end in any second.

The author's comments:

Patricio’s Villarreal Memoir represents a very difficult time he had when his uncle Pepe died. He offered us his perspective about how he lived the situation, and even though he wasn't really close to his uncle, he meant something important to him because all his memories lived with him during his childhood.

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